I: Usage guidelines
Once fi tted, the OXFORD HotGrips are designed for keeping gloved hands at a comfortable warm temperature. Small
changes to the ambient temperature will affect the temperature of the HotGrips and it is necessary to adjust the Intelligent
Heat Controller settings (up or down) as appropriate. If the grips are too hot please ensure the heat controller is turned
down or even switch it OFF if necessary.
Switch operation
The heat controller has 2 raised buttons to make it easier to locate and feel the buttons when riding, especially in
the dark.
To turn the switch ON just press the + button once.
The switch will turn on at the minimum setting
to facilitate a quick warm up of the grips either press the + button to reach the 100% LED or hold the button down
and it will jump to the 100% setting.
To change the temperature just press the – or + buttons and the selected power level will be shown on the LED
To turn the power OFF from any heat setting, either hold the – button for 2 seconds or press the – button until no
power lights are lit
Switch features
Now has 5 heat settings:- 30%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100%
Battery saving mode (BSM)
– This amazing new feature recognizes if either the battery voltage falls too low, or it's high enough but suspiciously
quiet (ie. the engine has stopped)
– When in this state, the BSM LED fl ashes, the power LED still lights as normal, and the button still works - but the
grips don't actually get powered.
– As soon as the battery voltage recovers and/or there's a bit of noise on the power supply, the 'battery saving' LED
goes out and the grips work as normal
– The controller goes into BSM after 5 seconds of the voltage being less than 11.5V, or after 2 minutes of not
detecting any noise on the 12V power lead. Once in this mode, it will wait a further 5 minutes or thereabouts before
switching off completely.
– If the rider does not want or like this feature, the BSM can be disabled by switching the controller on and then
pressing and holding both buttons together for 5 seconds.
– During this time, the BSM LED will indicate whether the BSM feature is currently enabled (LED on) or disabled
(LED off).
– After 5 seconds the state of the LED will change, and the user can let go of the buttons.
– The controller remembers this state permanently, or until the user switches it back by repeating the above procedure.
5 amp
Intelligent heat
Block connector
Oxford Hotgrips instructions v.8 switch - 09/07/12