New Deep Well Convertible Pump Installation
Pressure Regulator,
Suction (Larger)
Gauge, and Priming
Pipe from Well
To Household
Water System
Foot Valve
Figure 6 - 4" and Larger Deep Well
Pressure Regulator,
Suction (Larger)
Gauge, and Priming
Pipe from Well
To Household
Water System
Suction Pipe
Well Casing
serves as
Drive Pipe
Figure 7 - 2" (Single Pipe) Deep Well
4" Or Larger Well
1. Install the pressure regulator and pressure gauge in the pump body. See
Figure 1.
Drive (Smaller)
Pipe to Well
2. Assemble the ejector kit. See Figure 6. Follow the instructions
included with the kit in order to match the nozzle and venturi to your
well conditions.
3. Mount the pump as close to the well as possible.
4. Connect two pipes (1" drive, 1-1/4" suction) to the ejector and lower
the ejector into the well until it is five feet from the bottom. It should
also be at least 10 feet below the well's water level while the pump is
running in order to prevent the pump from sucking air.
5. Install a sanitary well seal and connect the ejector piping to the pump.
Use steel nipples through the well seal with flexible poly pipe to avoid
crushing the plastic pipe when tightening the seal.
6. Support the pipe so that there are no dips or sags in the pipe, so it
doesn't strain the pump body, and so that it slopes slightly upward
from the well to the pump (high spots can cause air pockets which can
air lock the pump). Seal the suction pipe joints with PTFE pipe thread
sealant tape or a PTFE-based pipe joint compound. Joints must be air-
and water-tight. If the suction pipe can suck air, the pump cannot pull
water from the well.
7. Run piping from the discharge tee in the tank flange to the household
piping. The discharge piping must be at least as large as the tank tee.
Install a relief valve in the discharge pipe capable of passing the entire
pump flow at 75 psi. Run a pipe from the relief valve to a floor drain or
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some other convenient place to carry off the water.
You have just completed the plumbing for your new pump. Please go to
Electrical for electrical connections.
Drive (Smaller)
2" Well
Pipe to Well
1. Install the pressure regulator and pressure gauge in the pump body. See
Figure 1.
2. Mount the pump as close to the well as possible.
3. Assemble ejector kit, well piping, and well head adapter according
to the instructions provided with the ejector package. See Figure 7.
Use galvanized drop pipe with turned couplings to allow proper flow.
Follow the instructions included with the kit in order to match the
nozzle and venturi to your well conditions.
4. Run two pipes (one smaller drive pipe, one larger suction pipe) from
the well to the pump. Support the pipe so that there are no dips or sags
in the pipe, so it doesn't strain the pump body, and so that it slopes
slightly upward from the well to the pump (high spots can cause air
pockets which can air lock the pump). Seal the suction pipe joints with
PTFE pipe thread sealant tape or a PTFE-based pipe joint compound.
Joints must be air- and water-tight. If the suction pipe can suck air, the
pump cannot pull water from the well.
5. Run piping from the discharge tee in the tank flange to the household
piping. The discharge piping must be at least as large as the tank tee.
Install a relief valve in the discharge pipe capable of passing the entire
pump flow at 75 psi. Run a pipe from the relief valve to a floor drain or
some other convenient place to carry off the water.
You have just completed the plumbing for your new pump. Please go to
Electrical for electrical connections.
NOTICE The ejector kit supplied with your pump tank system will not work
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with a 2" well. You must purchase kit part number FPAP2-P2 and well case
adapter J216-16A separately.