9-5. HEX Dump
Ensure that paper is set in the printer. Turn off the power switch on the printer,
then turn it on again while pressing the FEED button on the control panel. This
outputs the printout shown in section 9-1.
Pressing the FEED button three times (Dual interface model:select 3. Hex
Dump) or four times (Triple interface model:select 4. Hex Dump) enters HEX
dump mode.
This mode prints all the data sent to the printer as hex code. It is useful for
checking whether the control codes being sent to the printer by the PC program
are correct.
To clear this mode, turn the power switch off and on again.
HEX Dump Print (Example)
Hex Dump
000000 1B 40 1B 4D 02 1B 74 01 .@.M..t.
Addre ss
H e x