3.0. Use of Ambu® Perfit Collar
Have one rescuer manually stabilize the head and neck, gently holding the head and neck in the
neutral alignment position. (1)
Measure the distance between an imaginary plane drawn horizontally and immediately below the
patient's chin and second horizontal plane drawn immediately on top of the patient's shoulder. (2)
Compare this distance with the distance from the collar sizing line to the lower aspect of the plastic
collar body (not the foam) and select the appropriate collar size. (3)
Before placing the collar on the patient, ensure that the chin piece is flipped to front. (4, 5)
Wrap the collar around the patients neck. (6, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Secure the collar using the velcro. (9, 12, 13)
A nasal airway tubing can be attached to the tube hooks at both sides. (14)
4.0. Disposal
Used products must be disposed off according to local procedures.