B e t a M a x P o r t a b l e H o i s t s O p e r a t i n g a n d M a i n t e n a n c e P r o c e d u r e s M a n u a l
O p t i o n a l E q u i p m e n t
Wireless Remote Control
A wireless remote control option is available as an aftermarket accessory. This
option allows hoist operation from two different locations. For example, the hoist
could be operated from the hoist itself and from the ground level. The wireless
remote control also includes a hand-held transmitter.
The wireless remote control box incorporates one pendant pigtail to connect to the
hoist control box pigtail, and two power pigtails. The inside of the wireless remote
control box includes a receiver that is linked to the hand-held transmitter.
To integrate the wireless remote control option to an existing standard controlled
hoist follow, these steps.
1. Unplug the standard 6-foot operator's pendant.
2. Hang the wireless remote control box on the back side of the hoist shroud
using the two hangers supplied with the wireless remote control box.
3. Plug the auxiliary wireless remote control box into the same pigtail using the
mating connector.
4. Plug the male power connector on the hoist control box into the female power
connector on the wireless remote control box.
5. Plug the male power connector on the wireless remote control box into the
power supply.
6. Make sure the hoist is operating by pressing the button on the hand held
It is the responsibility of the hoist operator to make sure only one person is
operating the hoist at a time. If two operators try to operate the hoist
simultaneously, the hoist will automatically stop for a period of time of
approximately 10 seconds before allowing any person to operate it. After a time
delay of approximately 10 seconds, a single operator may begin operating the hoist