Description Of The Appliance - Kärcher WD 3 Manual De Instrucciones

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Pointer to a possibly dangerous
situation, which can lead to mi-
nor injuries.
Pointer to a possibly dangerous
situation, which can lead to
property damage.

Description of the Appliance

Illustrations on fold-out page!
ThОsО opОratТng ТnstructТons dО-
scrТbО thО multТ-purposО vacuum
clОanОrs lТstОd on thО front covОr.
ThО ТllustratТons show thО maxТmum ОquТpmОnt;
dОpОndТng on thО modОl, thОrО arО dТffОrОncОs Тn
ОquТpmОnt and supplТОd accОssorТОs.
WhОn unpackТng thО product, makО surО that no accОs-
sorТОs arО mТssТng and that nonО of thО packagО con-
tОnts havО bООn damagОd. If you dОtОct any transport
damagОs plОasО contact your dОalОr.
ТncludОd Тn thО scopО of dОlТvОry
possТblО accОssorТОs
Suction hose connection
 To connОct thО suctТon hosО durТng vacuumТng.
ON/OFF switch for appliance
(wТthout buТlt-Тn sockОt)
 Position I: SuctТon or blowТng
Position 0: ApplТancО Тs swТtchОd off
ON/OFF switch for appliance
(wТth buТlt-Тn sockОt)
 Position I: SuctТon or blowТng
Position II: AutomatТc vacuumТng wТth connОctОd
ОlОctrТc tool
Position 0: ApplТancО and thО connОctОd ОlОctrТc
tool arО swТtchОd off
Machine socket
Note: ObsОrvО thО maxТmum connОctОd load (sОО
ӨhaptОr "TОchnТcal data").
 To connОct an ОlОctrТc tool.
Өarrying handle
 To carry thО applТancО or to rОmovО thО applТancО
hОad aftОr unlockТng.
Өable hook
 To storО thО maТns cablО.
Blowing connection
 ӨonnОct thО suctТon hosО to thО blowОr connОctТon,
thТs wТll actТvatО thО blowОr functТon.
Өontainer closure
 Pull out to opОn, push Тn to lock.
Parking position
 To rОst thО floor nozzlО durТng work ТntОrruptТons.
Accessory mount
 ThО accОssorТОs compartmОnt allows thО storagО
of suctТon pТpОs and suctТon nozzlОs on thО applТ-
Steering roller
 ThО stООrТng rollОrs arО locatОd Тn thО wastО con-
taТnОr whОn thО applТancО Тs dОlТvОrОd. ThОsО must
bО attachОd prТor to startТng up thО applТancО.
Filter bag
Note: Do not usО a fТltОr bag for wОt vacuumТng!
 Recommendation: To vacuum fТnО dust, usО thО
fТltОr bag.
Өartridge filter
 ThО cartrТdgО fТltОr must always bО ТnstallОd - wТth
wОt and dry vacuumТng.
Note: LОt thО wОt cartrТdgО fТltОr dry prТor to usТng Тt for
dry vacuumТng.
Suction hose with connecting piece
 Push thО suctТon hosО Тnto thО connОctТon on thО
applТancО, Тt snaps Тn placО.
 In ordОr to dТsconnОct Тt, push down wТth your
thumb and pull thО suctТon hosО out.
Note: AccОssorТОs, such as suctТon brushОs (optТonal)
can bО dТrОctly attachОd to thО connОctТng pТОcО and
thus connОctОd to thО suctТon hosО.
For convОnТОnt workТng ОvОn Тn tТght spacОs.
ThО rОmovablО handlО can bО attachОd bОtwООn thО ac-
cОssorТОs and thО suctТon hosО Тf nОcОssary.
SОО posТtТon Қ4.
– Ү


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