7. Syllable jumble
A word's syllables have been jumbled up. Place them back in the right order. Use the
keys to select the first syllable and press
to confirm. Proceed the same way
to select the next syllables. To select the last syllable, you only need to press
After two wrong answers, Spider-Man will show you the solution and then display a new
Automatic level progression: give 6 correct answers in a row to switch to level 2.
Level 1: first, the computer displays a 2 syllables word, and then the 2 syllables to put in
the right order.
Level 2: the computer doesn't display any word, but only the 3 syllables to put in the right
• "der" and "spi" are displayed. You must find the word "spider" (level 1).
• "mi", "ly" and "fa" are displayed. You must find the word "family" (level 2).
8. Missing letter
A word scrolls fast on the screen from right to left or inversely. After the word has
disappeared, it is displayed again but a letter is missing. Type in the missing letter and
to confirm. After two wrong answers, Spider-Man will show you the solution
and then display a new word.
Automatic level progression: give 6 correct answers in a row to switch to level 2.
Level 1: the word to find is easy and it scrolls once completely before appearing with one
missing letter.
Level 2: the word to find is more complicated and it scrolls with a missing letter.
9. Word scramble
A word scrolls fast on the screen from right to left or inversely. After the word has
disappeared, it is displayed again but the letters have been jumbled up. Use the
keys to select the first letter of the word and press
to confirm. Use the same
method to select the next letters and put them back in the correct order. After two wrong
answers, Spider-Man will show you the solution and then display a new word.
Automatic level progression: give 6 correct answers in a row to switch to level 2.
Level 1: easy words.
Level 2: more complicated words.
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