Integrated Devices Screen
Table 1-4 lists a new Integrated Devices screen option.
Table 1-4. Integrated Devices Screen Options
I/OAT DMA Engine
(Disabled default)
Memory Screen
Table 1-5 lists a new option on the Memory screen.
Table 1-5. Memory Screen Options
Low Power Mode
(Disabled default)
Linux Enumeration of NICs
Linux operating system versions that use the udev kernel device manager enumerate the NICs differently
than earlier Linux versions that used the devfs device manager. Although this does not affect system
functionality, when using Red Hat
operating systems, the NICs are enumerated in reverse: NIC1 is configured as eth1 rather than as eth0,
and NIC2 is configured as eth0 instead of eth1. For further information on how to change the default
device enumerations, see the "Network Interface Card Naming" white paper available at
Information Update
All manuals and user guides at
Enables or disables the I/O Acceleration Technology (I/OAT) option. When set
to Enabled, I/OAT reduces system CPU usage for applications that use TCP by
offloading part of the TCP receive operation to the DMA engine.
Enables or disables Low Power Mode of the memory. When set to Enabled,
the memory runs at reduced speed to conserve power. Disabled sets the memory
to run at full speed.
Enterprise Linux (version 4) or SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server 9