3. Tap ENABLE.
4. Tap Back from the upper left to save and exit to the user menu.
Touch Sounds
The VP80ES touch sounds are enabled by default. To disable these sounds, follow these steps:
1. Tap the TOUCH SOUNDS feature from the user menu.
2. Tap the ENABLE or DISABLE button.
3. Tap Back from the upper left to save and exit to the user menu.
Your VP80ES screen brightness can be adjusted via this feature. The default value is 10. To change the
value, follow these steps:
1. Tap the BRIGHTNESS option from the user menu.
2. Tap + to increase the brightness and - to decrease the brightness.
3. Tap Back from the upper left to save and exit to the user menu.
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IronKey VP80ES External SSD User Manual – Rev. 1.0