Página 10
However if you have any comments, suggestions and questions, you can voice them RQ RXU ZHEVLWH '20<26&20 2Q WKH ZHEVLWH \RX ZLOO DOVR ¿QG WUDLQLQJ DGYLFH DQG VXSSRUW We wish you successful training and hope that you will enjoy using this DOMYOS product. 35(6(17$7,21...
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THE MENU 48,&. 67$57 menu enables you to start a free training session. 352*5$0 menu enables you to choose one of the 10 pre-programmed training sessions and enter &+$//(1*( mode. SETTINGS PRGH HQDEOHV \RX WR PDQDJH \RXU XVHU SUR¿OH 7R DFFHVV WKH PHQX VHOHFW WKH LFRQ E\ WXUQLQJ WKH NQRE DQG YDOLGDWH by pressing the button in the centre.
Página 13
&+$//(1*( enables you to compare yourself to past performances. <RX PXVW KDYH DOUHDG\ VDYHG DW OHDVW RQH WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQ EHIRUH WDNLQJ WKH FKDOOHQJH The summary of your performance from your last session is displayed and the challenge can EHJLQ <RX FDQ FKHFN \RXU SRVLWLRQ DQG GLVWDQFH IURP WKH FRPSHWLWRU DW WKH WRS RI WKH VFUHHQ 7KH ¿UVW WR DUULYH ZLOO WDNH WKH JROG PHGDO 3(5)250$1&( 6800$5<...
Página 16
Hai bisogno di assistenza? con el justificante de compra en la (internetcsatlakozás ára), vagy интернет връзка) или отидете в Ci trovi sul sito www.domyos.com recepción de la tienda de la marca forduljon személyesen egyik отдел «Обслужване на клиенти» (cost di una connessione internet) donde haya comprado el üzletünk vevőszolgálatához, amely...
Página 18
VM 530 Original instructions to be kept Notice originale à conserver Conserve estas instrucciones originales Originalanleitung für Ihre Unterlagen Istruzioni originali da conservare De oorspronkelijke handleiding dient bewaard te worden Manual original a guardar Instrukcja obsługi do zachowania na przyszłość...