The default setting for the descaling time is 4 hours.
In most cases, you can achieve very good results
in this time. The maximum duration of descaling is
12 hours.
• Shorten the duration of descaling if the BONECO
H700 is only slightly dirty.
• Lengthen the duration of descaling if the BONECO
H700 is very dirty.
• After each descaling, it is absolutely necessary to
clean the interior parts (see the next page).
1. Remove the front cover and the water tank on the
rear side.
2. Remove the filter holder together with the filter.
3. Pull the water base out and remove the drum
with the AH700 evaporator mat.
4. Empty the water base and water tank.
5. Set the drum back into the water base and put the
appliance back together by following the steps in
reverse order.