H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
End of Welding
The welding process ends successfully if the actual weld-
ing time corresponds to the nominal welding time and
the buzzer can be heard twice.
Aborted Welding Process
The welding process has failed if a plain-text error is dis-
played on the screen and the audible signal buzzes con-
tinuously. An error has to be acknowledged by pressing
the STOP/RESET key.
Cooling Time
The cooling time as given in the fitting manufacturer's
instructions has to be respected. If the bar code provided
by the fitting manufacturer contains cooling time data,
it will be displayed at the end of the welding process
and will be counted down to zero. This countdown can
be acknowledged and canceled at any time by the STOP/
RESET key. However, note that for that time the pipe fit-
ting joint which is still warm must not be subjected to an
external force. No cooling time is displayed if the fitting
code does not contain any such information.
Returning to the Start of Parameter Input
After welding is finished, disconnecting the welded fitting
from the unit or pressing the STOP/RESET key will reset the
unit back to the start of entering the welding parameters.
5.10 Using ViewWeld to View Welding Reports
The ViewWeld feature offers viewing an abstracted ver-
sion of the welding report recorded during the last weld-
ing process. The ViewWeld abstract shows the report
number, the date and time of the welding and the welding
parameters along with an evaluation of the quality of the
joint/welding operation (see Display 5).
To call the ViewWeld abstract of a welding report, press
the ñ key in the bar code input screen (see Display 2).
Entering Welding Parameters Manually
(only for model version HST 300 Junior + 2.0)
To be able to enter the welding parameters manually, you
have first to connect the fitting to the welding unit with
the welding cable. The manual input of the parameters
can then be accessed by pressing the ò arrow key. The
Version September 2022
HÜRNER HST 300 Junior + 2.0 User's Manual
24.02.13 09:33
Welding OK
Display 5
>Enter Voltage/Time
Enter Fitting Code
Display 6