- The defect is the result of excessive use outside the intended
- The defect is caused by abuse of the product or by environ-
mental conditions that are not in conformance with the user
manual of the product.
- The defect is caused by connecting peripherals, additional
equipment or accessories (including software) other than
those recommended in the user manual.
- The unit has been damaged, including but not limited to
damage by animals, lightning, abnormal voltage, fire, natural
disaster, transportation or water (unless the user manual ex-
pressly status that the product may be rinsed). Normal wear
and tear, or replacement of by their nature consumable parts
(e.g. batteries)
- The product does not function properly because it was not
originally designed, manufactured or approved for use in the
country where you use the product, which might occur when
you imported the product.
- The product does not function properly due to problems
with access to, or connection with service providers, such as
interruptions in the access networks faults on the subscriber's
or the correspondent's line, local network fault (cabling, file
server, user's line) and faults in the transmission network (inter-
ference, scrambling, faults or poor network quality).
Service needed?
In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you
to read the user manual carefully and/or consult the support