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Bicycles carrier
Installation and usage instructions
Montage-und Gebrauchsanleitung
Instructions de montage et mode d'emploi
Instruciones de montaje y uso
Istruzioni di montaggio e d'uso
Please consult the website for
instructions in the languages:



Resumen de contenidos para Fiamma GARAGE STANDARD

  • Página 1 Installation and usage instructions Fahrradträger Montage-und Gebrauchsanleitung Porte-vélos Instructions de montage et mode d’emploi Portabicicletas Instruciones de montaje y uso Portabici Istruzioni di montaggio e d’uso Please consult the website for instructions in the languages: NL-SV-DA-NO-FI-PT CARRY-BIKE GARAGE STANDARD 02096A54A GARAGE MOTORHOME...
  • Página 2 CARRY-BIKE 6,4x12x1,6 5x40 M6x50...
  • Página 3 CARRY-BIKE 4,8 kg Package contents / Verpackungsinhalt / Contenu de l’emballage / Contenido del embalaje / Contenuto dell’imballo p. 2 Installation instructions / Montageanleitung / Instructions de montage / Instrucciones de montaje / Istruzioni di montaggio p. 4 Instructions for use / Gebrauchsanleitung / Instructions d’installation / Instrucciones de uso / Istruzioni di utilizzo p.
  • Página 4 CARRY-BIKE Check that nothing has been damaged or deformed during transport. In the event of doubts or questions concerning the installation, use or limitations of the product, contact the dealer. We recommend that the installation is carried out by qualifi ed personnel and in compliance with current local regulations.
  • Página 5 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 6 CARRY-BIKE 360° 360° 360° 360° 360° 360°...
  • Página 7 CARRY-BIKE...
  • Página 8 In the event of an accident involving the vehicle and/or the product, ensure that the product has not been damaged. In the event of damage, contact your local retailer before moving the vehicle. Fiamma declines every responsibility for any modifi cation of the product that may cause damage and/or injury to things and people.
  • Página 9 Nach einem eventuellen Unfall, der das Fahrzeug bzw. Produkt betrifft, immer sicherstellen, dass das Produkt nicht beschädigt wurde. Im Falle von Schäden wende man sich vor der Benutzung des Fahrzeugs an den Händler. Fiamma lehnt jede Verantwortung für Veränderungen am Produkt ab, die zu Schäden und/oder Verletzungen an Sachen und Personen führen können.
  • Página 10 In caso di incidente riguardante il veicolo e/o il prodotto, assicurarsi che il prodotto non abbia subito danni. In caso di danno, contattare il rivenditore locale prima di spostare il veicolo. Fiamma declina ogni responsabilità per qualsiasi modifi ca del prodotto che possa causare danni e/o lesioni a cose e persone.
  • Página 11 Garantía Fiamma. En caso de fallos o defectos de material y de fabricación, el cliente puede hacer valer la garantía de acuerdo con las leyes y reglamentaciones del país en el que el producto haya sido comprado.
  • Página 12 All rights reserved. Fiamma S.p.A. reserves the right to modify at any time, without notice, prices, materials, Fiamma S.p.A. - Italy specifi cations and models or to cease Via San Rocco, 56 production of any model. 21010 Cardano al Campo (VA)

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