Once the test is complete, push the ejector
forward to remove the Blood glucose test
strip from the adia Blood glucose test meter.
Discard your Blood glucose test Lancet
Push the needle into its protective cover.
Dispose of used Blood glucose test strip in a
sealed container with your household waste
in accordance with local regulations.
Pull the lancet out and discard appropriately.
8. Trouble-shooting
The following chart may help you identify certain problems, but may not
solve all the problems that could occur. Contact your authorized representative
or the manufacturer if the problem continues.
What it means
Problem with the
blood glucose test
Caused by either used
or wet blood glucose
test strip
Caused by less blood
or irregular blood fill
Caused by reagent
damage in the test
User applied the
blood sample before
the LCD shows the
Action required
Place the battery again,
and set the blood glucose
test meter. If the problem
persists, please contact
your authorized represen-
tative or the manufacturer.
Please insert a new glucose
test strip and perform your
test again.
Please insert a new glucose
test strip and apply the
blood sample.
Please insert a new glucose
test strip and perform your
test again.
Wait for the meter to display
the blinking icon before
applying your blood sample.