Power off the radio firstly.
Then power it on while holding the [PTT] and the [PF1] button below the
PTT at the same time.
The radio will start up with a note on the display – "Are you sure you
want to initialize radio?"
Press Exit to exit the reset and power on the radio.
Press Confirm to proceed the reset, it will come with a screen display
note – Initialize Radio.
After a re-start the radio will display the setting of time zone and the
date and the time. Use the up-down key to set the current year. Move to
the month by pushing the P1 key. Set the month, and use the P1 key to
move forward each step. Once done, click the Confirm key to save the
date and time.
Please remember set up the time zone to avoid the date/time error.
Make sure the codeplug is saved to PC before your do the update and
AT-D878S Digital DMR and Analog
Two Way Radio