The drain bracket fits a standard 1-1/2" drain pipe.
1. Select and mark a location on the drain pipe (A or B). The location should be
straight, at least 3" and upstream of the siphon P (Fig. 6). It is recommended to
use a vertical location (Fig. 10).
2. Place the drain bracket around the drain pipe to check the fit.
WARNING: If you are going to install
AVISO : Si va a instala r el drenaje en
the drainage in the horizontal pipe
la tubería horizontal B, por favo r de
B, please ensure that the PE pipe is
manera que el tubo de PE est é
located at the top of the horizontal
situado en la parte superio r de la
horizonta l de la tuberí a de drenaje .
part of the drainage pipe.
(Véas e la figura 11)
(See figure 11)
Tubería de
3. Drill a 1/4" hole. Be sure to drill only one side of
the drain pipe
4. Remove any loose plastic from the drain pipe.
5. Insert the PE drainage pipe (RED) into the
quick-connection fitting of the drainage
bracket (Fig. 10). Insert the PE sewage pipe at
least 0.6" to prevent any leakage.
6. Remove the protective plastic from the
square gasket.
7. Place the square gasket through the PE pipe
and on the inner wall of the drainage bracket
(Fig. 9).
8. Connect the two halves of the drainage
bracket with the nuts and bolts, leaving the
pipe in the hole. Tighten both sides equally
to secure the drain bracket and remove the
drill bit from the quick connect fitting (Fig.11).
9. Secure the PE pipe with the safety clips (see
step "How to use the quick-connect fittings").
WARNING: If you are going to install the clamp
on the horizontal pipe B, install it so that the
PE pipe is located on top of the horizontal
drain pipe. (See Fig. 11).
Clip de segurida d
Safety clip
Goma de
Alrededor de 0,6"
About 0.6
About 0.6
Alrededor de 0,6"