6. Operation
• Press the keys in sequence – One key at a time. First [Ctrl], then [Alt], then [Shift], etc.
• Console selections are not saved. If the B021-SWHD-K is powered OFF, it reverts to the default setting of both consoles enabled
when it is powered ON again.
• Either side of the keyboard can be used to invoke [Shift] [Ctrl] [Alt] hotkeys. However, when activating hotkey combinations [Ctrl]
[Alt] [Shift], make sure you are using the keys on the same side of the keyboard.
• If the KVM switch connected to the B021-SWHD-K uses the [Ctrl] [Alt] [Shift] combination to invoke its hotkey mode, you will not be
able to access any of its hotkey operations because the B021-SWHD-K will capture the combination for console selection first.