LW^WUf[a` aX Uaa][`Y hWeeW^e
Hhed e_b \ho_d] fWd
EdWc[b ijW_db[ii
ij[[b a[jjb[
Vek cWo ^Wl[ W dkcX[h e\ Z_\\[h[dj Yeea_d] l[ii[bi
R^_i _dZkYj_ed ^eX YWd _Z[dj_\o W lWh_[jo e\ Yeea_d] l[ii[bi1 m^_Y^ oek YWd j[ij Xo
ed[ e\ j^[ \ebbem_d] c[j^eZi?
ObWY[ j^[ l[ii[b ed j^[ Yeea_d] ped[3 H\ j^[ Yehh[ifedZ_d] Yeea_d] ped[ Z_ifbWoi
W fem[h b[l[b1 j^[d j^[ l[ii[b _i ik_jWXb[3 H\ ,S, \bWi^[i1 j^[d j^[ l[ii[b _i dej ik_jWXb[
\eh ki[ m_j^ j^[ _dZkYj_ed ^eX3
GebZ W cW]d[j je j^[ l[ii[b3 H\ j^[ cW]d[j _i WjjhWYj[Z je j^[ l[ii[b1 _j _i ik_jWXb[
\eh ki[ m_j^ j^[ _dZkYj_ed ^eX3
MB? R^[ XWi[ e\ j^[ l[ii[b ckij YedjW_d cW]d[j_Y cWj[h_Wb3
Hj ckij ^Wl[ W \bWj Xejjec m_j^ W Z_Wc[j[h e\ ceh[ j^Wd 69 Yc3
Use pans whose diameter is as large as the graphic of the zone selected.
Using a pot a slightly wider energy will be used at its maximum efficiency.If you use
smaller pot efficiency could be less than expected.Pot less than 140 mm could be
undetected by the hob.
Cooking zone
1 & 2
3 & 4
The above may vary according to the size of the pan and the material it is made from.
QjW_db[ii ij[[b fej
EdWc[b Yeea_d]
The base diameter of induction cookware
Hhed fWd
Hhed a[jjb[
Hhed fbWj[