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Resumen de contenidos para Nikon ECLIPSE E200

  • Página 1 M313E 04.2.CF.2 ECLIPSE E200 Instructions...
  • Página 3 Thank you for purchasing the Nikon products. This instruction manual is written for the users of the Nikon’s microscope “ECLIPSE E200” and describes the basic operations of the microscope. To ensure correct usage, read this manual carefully before operating the instrument.
  • Página 4 Contents Contents Safety Precautions ....................4 English ........................4 German ........................8 French ........................12 Spanish ........................ 16 Italian ........................20 Dutch ........................24 Danish........................28 Portuguese......................32 Finnish ......................... 36 Greek ........................40 Notes on Handling the System ................44 Chapter 1 Nomenclature of Each Part ..............46 Chapter 2 Switches and Controls ................48 Chapter 3 A Quick Microscopic Procedure .............50...
  • Página 5 Contents Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables ...............77 Chapter 9 Care and Maintenance ................84 Chapter 10 Technical Specifications ..............85...
  • Página 6 Warning / Caution symbols used in this manual Although Nikon products are designed to provide you with the utmost safety during use, incorrect usage or disregard of the instructions can cause personal injury or property damage and will lead to the forfeiture of all claims against warranty.
  • Página 7 • If the input voltage shown differs from the local voltage level, do not turn on the microscope. Do the following instead: Different voltage on the nameplate Contact your nearest Nikon representative. Different voltage above the AC inlet Change the input voltage setting; refer to P.68.
  • Página 8 Disassembly may cause malfunction and/or electrical shock, and will lead to the forfeiture of all claims against warranty. Do not disassemble any part other than those described in this manual. If you experience any problem with the microscope, notify your nearest Nikon representative. 3. Check the Input Voltage.
  • Página 9 ) and unplug the power cord. Then, wipe off the water with a dry cloth. Short circuiting can also result when foreign matter is trapped inside the microscope. If foreign matter or water has entered the microscope, do not use the microscope and contact your nearest Nikon representative. 3. Stage Rack The rack for the stage protrudes during use.
  • Página 10 Sicherheitsmaßnahmen In dieser Anleitung verwendete Warn/Vorsicht-Symbole Obwohl die Nikon Produkte dazu entworfen wurden, Ihnen eine maximale Sicherheit beim Gebrauch zu bieten, kann falscher Gebrauch oder Missachtung der Anleitungen zu Personen- oder Sachschäden führen und resultiert im Verlust aller Garantieansprüche. Lesen Sie diese Anleitungen im Sinne Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit gründlich durch, bevor Sie das Instrument einsetzen.
  • Página 11 Netzspannung unterscheidet. Machen Sie statt dessen folgendes. Bei Angabe einer anderen Spannung auf dem Typenschild: Setzen Sie sich mit Ihrer nächsten Nikon Vertretung in Verbindung. Andere Spannung über dem Netzanschluss: Ändern Sie die Einstellung für die Eingangsspannung; siehe Seite 68.
  • Página 12 Verfall aller Garantieansprüche. Keine anderen als die in der vorliegenden Anleitung beschriebenen Teile auseinanderbauen. Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten mit dem Mikroskop haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren nächsten Nikon Händler. 3. Eingangsspannung prüfen Die Eingangsspannung ist an zwei Stellen an der Rückseite des Mikroskops angegeben: dem Typenschild und über dem Netzanschluss.
  • Página 13 Kurzschlüsse können auch durch in das Mikroskop eingedrungene Fremdkörper hervorgerufen werden. Wenn Wasser oder Fremdkörper in das Mikroskop eingedrungen sind, benutzen sie dieses nicht mehr und setzen sich mit Ihrer nächsten Nikon Vertretung in Verbindung. 3. Zahnstange für den Objekttisch Beim Gebrauch tritt die Zahnstange für den Objekttisch über...
  • Página 14 Règles de sécurité Symboles Avertissement/Attention utilisés dans ce manuel Bien que les produits Nikon soient conçus pour une sécurité extrême pendant l'emploi, un emploi incorrect ou la négligence des instructions peut provoquer des blessures ou dégâts matériels, ce qui se traduira par la perte par déchéance de tout droit sous garantie.
  • Página 15 • Si la tension d’entrée indiquée diffère du niveau de tension local, ne mettez pas le microscope sous tension. Procédez comme suit à la place: Tension différente sur la plaque du fabricant Contactez l’agent Nikon le plus proche. Tension différente au-dessus de l’entrée CA Modifiez le réglage de tension d’entrée; voir la page 68.
  • Página 16 Le démontage peut provoquer un dysfonctionnement et/ou une décharge électrique, et conduira à la perte par déchéance de tout droit sous garantie. Ne démontez aucune pièce autre que celles indiquées dans ce mode d’emploi. En cas de problème avec le microscope, adressez-vous à l’agent Nikon le plus proche.
  • Página 17 éliminez l’eau avec un chiffon sec. Un court-circuit peut aussi survenir de matières étrangères piégées dans le microscope. Si des matières étrangères ou de l’eau ont pénétré dans le microscope, ne l’utilisez pas et contactez l’agent Nikon le plus proche. 3. Pignon de la platine Le pignon de platine saillit pendant l’emploi.
  • Página 18 Símbolos de Advertencia / Precaución de este manual Pese a que los productos Nikon están diseñados para garantizar la máxima seguridad durante su uso, el uso incorrecto o al no respetarse las precauciones, puede causar lesiones personales o daños materiales.
  • Página 19 En ese caso, proceda como sigue: Tensión que difiere de la plaqueta de características Tome contacto con el representante Nikon más próximo. Tensión que difiere de la indicación de la entrada de CA Cambie el ajuste de la tensión de entrada: Vea la Pág. 68.
  • Página 20 No desarme ninguna parte fuera de lo que se describe en este manual. En el caso de encontrar algún problema en su microscopio, se ruega notificar al representante de Nikon más próximo. 3. Verifique la tensión de entrada La tensión de entrada está...
  • Página 21 Luego limpie el agua con paño seco. El cortocircuito puede producirse al penetrar una materia extraña dentro del microscopio. En el caso de entrar el agua o materia extraña dentro del microscopio, no utilice el microscopio y tome contacto con el representante Nikon más próximo. 3. Cremallera de la platina La cremallera de la platina sobresale durante el uso.
  • Página 22 Precauzioni per la sicurezza Simboli di Avvertenza/Attenzione utilizzati in questo manuale Sebbene i prodotti Nikon siano progettati per garantire all'utente il massimo della sicurezza durante l'uso, l'utilizzo non corretto o la mancata osservanza delle istruzioni possono causare ferite personali o danni materiali e rendono nulli tutti i reclami relativi alla garanzia.
  • Página 23 • Se la tensione in ingresso indicata è diversa dal livello di tensione locale, non accendere il microscopio. Invece, eseguire le azioni seguenti: Tensione diversa sulla targhetta con la sigla Contattare il rappresentante Nikon più vicino. Tensione diversa sopra l’ingresso in c.a. Cambiare l’impostazione della tensione in ingresso;...
  • Página 24 Lo smontaggio può causare malfunzionamenti e / o folgorazioni e rende nulli tutti i reclami relativi alla garanzia. Non smontare nessuna parte diversa da quelle descritte in questo manuale. Se si riscontra un problema con il microscopio, segnalarlo al rappresentante Nikon più vicino. 3. Controllare la tensione in ingresso.
  • Página 25 Se nel microscopio è penetrato materiale estraneo oppure è entrata dell’acqua, non utilizzare l’apparecchio e contattare subito il rappresentante Nikon più vicino. 3. Intelaiatura del piatto portaoggetti Durante l’uso, l’intelaiatura del piatto portaoggetti sporge.
  • Página 26 Veiligheidsmaatregelen In deze handleiding gebruikte symbolen Hoewel de producten van Nikon ontworpen zijn om u de hoogste mate van veiligheid tijdens gebruik te garanderen, kan bij onjuist of oneigenlijk gebruik persoonlijk letsel of schade aan het apparaat ontstaan en in dergelijke gevallen zullen alle garantieclaims afgewezen worden. Lees, voor uw eigen veiligheid, aandachtig de handleiding voordat u het instrument gaat gebruiken.
  • Página 27 • Schakel de microscoop niet in als de ingangsspanning afwijkt van de netspanning ter plaatse. Ga in dat geval als volgt te werk: De netspanning komt niet overeen met de ingangsspanning op het typeplaatje Neem contact op met de dichtstbijzijnde Nikon-vertegenwoordiging. De netspanning wijkt af van de ingangsspanning die vermeld is boven de wisselspanningsaansluiting Wijzig de instelling voor de ingangsspanning;...
  • Página 28 Demonteer geen andere componenten anders dan die beschreven zijn in deze handleiding. Neem, wanneer u onregelmatigheden aan de microscoop bemerkt, contact op met de dichtstbijzijnde Nikon-leverancier. 3. Controleer de ingangsspanning.
  • Página 29 Dep het oppervlak vervolgens op met een droge doek. Kortsluiting kan ook ontstaan doordat er voorwerpen in de microscoop terechtkomen. Gebruik de microscoop niet als er vaste stof of vloeistof in de microscoop terechtgekomen is en neem contact op met de dichtstbijzijnde Nikon-vertegenwoordiging. 3. Preparaatbevestingsplaat Tijdens gebruik steekt de preparaatbevestingsplaat uit.
  • Página 30 Sikkerhedsforanstaltninger Advarsels- og forsigtighedssymboler anvendt i denne manual Selv om Nikon produkter er fremstillet, således at de yder dig den maksimale sikkerhed under anvendelsen, kan forkert anvendelse eller tilsidesættelse af instruktionerne forårsage personskade eller materiel skade og vil medføre fortabelse af alle garantirettigheder. For din sikkerheds skyld bør du læse instruktionsmanualen omhyggeligt og grundigt, før instrumentet anvendes.
  • Página 31 • Hvis indgangsspændingen, der er vist, er forskellig fra det lokale strømniveau, må mikroskopet ikke tændes. Gør i stedet følgende: Spændingen på navnepladen afviger Kontakt din nærmeste Nikon repræsentant. Spændingen over AC strømindtaget afviger Ændr indstillingen for spændingen; se side 68. Danish...
  • Página 32 • Hvis spændingsangivelsen på navnepladen afviger: Tilslut ikke mikroskopet. Kontakt din nærmeste Nikon repræsentant. • Hvis spændingsangivelsen over el-indgangen afviger: Gå til side 68, og ændr indstillingen for indgangsspændingen, før der tændes for...
  • Página 33 ) og stikket tages ud kontakten. Derefter tørres vandet af med en tør klud. Kortslutning kan også være resultatet, når fremmedlegemer sidder fast inden i mikroskopet. Hvis der er kommet fremmedlegemer eller vand ind i mikroskopet, bruges mikroskopet ikke og nærmeste Nikon repræsentant kontaktes.
  • Página 34 Precauções de segurança Símbolos de aviso / precaução utilizados neste manual Apesar dos produtos Nikon serem concebidos para lhe fornecer a maior segurança durante a sua utilização, a utilização incorrecta ou o não cumprimento das instruções pode causar lesões pessoais ou danos no equipamento invalidando quaisquer reclamações da garantia.
  • Página 35 • Se a tensão de entrada for diferente do nível de tensão local, não ligue o microscópio. Em vez disso, faça o seguinte: Tensão diferente na placa de tipo Contacte o representante da Nikon mais próximo. Tensão diferente em cima da entrada de AC Altere a definição da tensão de entrada;...
  • Página 36 • Se a indicação de tensão na placa de tipo for diferente: Não ligue o microscópio. Contacte o representante da Nikon mais próximo. • Se a indicação de tensão acima da entrada AC for diferente: Consulte a pág.
  • Página 37 água com um pano seco. Os curto-circuitos podem ocorrer se houver matérias estranhas presas no interior do microscópio. Se matérias estranhas ou água ingressarem no microscópio, não o utilize e contacte o representante da Nikon mais próximo. 3. Cavalete Cavalete Durante a utilização, o cavalete sobressai.
  • Página 38 Turvallisuusohjeet Tässä käsikirjassa käytetyt varoitus / varotoimet -symbolit Vaikka Nikon tuotteet on suunniteltu mahdollisimman turvallisiksi käyttää, voi väärä käyttö tai näiden ohjeiden huomioimattomuus johtaa loukkaantumiseen tai omaisuusvahinkoihin, ja siitä seuraa kaikkien takuuseen liittyvien oikeuksien menetys. Turvallisuuden vuoksi lue käyttöohjeet huolellisesti ja perusteellisesti ennen laitteen käyttöä.
  • Página 39 Safety Precautions Laitteistossa käytettyjen symbolien merkitys Tuotteessa näkyvät symbolit ilmaisevat tarvetta varotoimiin käytön kaikissa vaiheissa. Tarkista aina käsikirjasta ja lue asiaankuuluvat ohjeet ennen kuin käsittelet osaa, johon symbolit on oheistettu. Symboli Merkitys Varoitus! Biologinen vaaratekijä Tämä symbolietiketti kiinnitettynä telineeseen muistuttaa sinua seuraavasta: •...
  • Página 40 Safety Precautions VAROITUS 1. Laitteen käyttötarkoitus Tämä mikroskooppi on tarkoitettu pääasiassa mikroskoopilla tehtävien solujen ja kudoksen havaintojen tekoon näytelevyiltä käyttäen diaskooppista valoa (lähetettyä valoa) ja pintavalaisua (heijastettua valoa). Se on suunniteltu pääasiassa käytettäväksi koetoimintaan ja havainnointiin sairaaloissa tai muissa laboratorioissa sellaisten solujen ja kudosten tutkimiseen, joita patologia ja sytologia tutkivat. 2.
  • Página 41 Safety Precautions VAROITUS 5. Valolähteen aiheuttama kuumuus. Lamppu kuumenee käytön aikana. Älä irrota kenttälinssiyksikköä, kun lamppu on päällä, ja varmista että lamppu on ollut pois päältä 30 minuuttia ennen kuin kosket sitä. • Kun vaihdat lamppua, varmista että lamppu on riittävän jäähtynyt, jotta sitä voi koskettaa (valon pitää...
  • Página 42 Σύµβολα Προειδοποίησης / Προφύλαξης που χρησιµοποιούνται στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο Παρά το γεγονός ότι τα προϊόντα Nikon έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να σας παρέχουν απόλυτη ασφάλεια κατά τη χρήση, τυχόν λανθασµένη χρήση ή αµέλεια των οδηγιών ενδέχεται να προκαλέσουν προσωπικό τραυµατισµό ή ζηµία και θα οδηγήσουν στην απώλεια κάθε αξίωσης από την εγγύηση. Για τη δική σας...
  • Página 43 • Αν η ενδεικνυόµενη τάση εισόδου διαφέρει από το τοπικό επίπεδο τάσης, µην ενεργοποιήσετε το µικροσκόπιο. Αντί αυτού προβείτε στις εξής ενέργειες: ∆ιαφορετική τάση στην πινακίδα τεχνικών στοιχείων Αποταθείτε στον πλησιέστερο αντιπρόσωπο της Nikon. ∆ιαφορετική τάση πάνω από τη δίοδο εισόδου AC Αλλάξτε τη ρύθµιση της τάσης εισόδου. ∆είτε τη σελ.68. Greek...
  • Página 44 µικροσκόπιο. • Αν η αναγραφόµενη τάση στην πινακίδα τεχνικών στοιχείων διαφέρει: Μη βάζετε το µικροσκόπιο στην πρίζα. Αποταθείτε στον πλησιέστερο αντιπρόσωπο της Nikon. • Αν η αναγραφόµενη τάση πάνω από τη δίοδο εισόδου AC διαφέρει: ∆είτε τη σ.68 και αλλάξτε τη ρύθµιση τάσης εισόδου προτού...
  • Página 45 του κορδονιού ισχύος. Μετά, σκουπίστε το νερό µε ένα στεγνό πανί. Σε περίπτωση εγκλωβισµού ξένων στοιχείων στο εσωτερικό του µικροσκοπίου µπορεί να προκληθεί επίσης βραχυκύκλωµα. Αν παρεισφρήσουν ξένα στοιχεία ή νερό στο µικροσκόπιο, µη χρησιµοποιήσετε το µικροσκόπιο και αποταθείτε στον πλησιέστερο αντιπρόσωπο της Nikon. Βάση 3. Βάση Πλάκας...
  • Página 46 Notes on Handling the System Notes on Handling the System (1) Installation This microscope is a precision instrument. Using the microscope in an unfavorable environment could result in malfunctions or degraded performance. Consider the following conditions when choosing the installation location. •...
  • Página 47 Notes on Handling the System (4) Refocusing When changing specimens using the refocusing mechanism, gently lower the stage by hand taking care not to hit the field lens with the condenser holder (p. 60). Make sure not to hit the field lens.
  • Página 48 Nomenclature of Each Part The microscope is made up of the following components. (1) Basic unit (2) Eyepieces Screwed on to the eyepiece tube. (3) Eyepiece Tube This is a binocular eyepiece tube. A trinocular eyepiece tube is available for photomicrography and TV microscopy.
  • Página 49 Chapter 1 Nomenclature of Each Part (2) Eyepieces (3) Eyepiece Tube (1) Basic unit (4) Objectives (8) Fuse (x2) (5) Condenser (6) Field Lens Unit (9) Power Cord (7) Lamp...
  • Página 50 Switches and Controls (1) Diopter Ring (14) Power switch Adjust the diopter ring to When turned to |, power is turned compensate for the difference on and the lamp lights. between your right and left When turned to “ ”, power is eyesight.
  • Página 51 Chapter 2 Switches and Controls (1) Diopter Ring (2) Revolving (3) Stage nosepiece (11) Field diaphragm ring (4) Specimen holder (12) Field diaphragm centering screws (5) Condenser aperture diaphragm (14) Power switch (15) Brightness control dial (7) Condenser aperture diaphragm (9) Longitudinal stage motion (Y Axis) knob (8) Blue filter and the...
  • Página 52 A Quick Microscopic Procedure Part 1 For microscopes without a field diaphragm Widen or narrow to merge the viewfields into one. Here’s the power switch. Turn on the lamp and adjust Viewfields interpupillary distance. Adjust brightness too. Adjust the Focus with 10x diopter.
  • Página 53 Chapter 3 A Quick Microscopic Procedure Turn off the power. Wait till the microscope cools down before storing. Check the magnifying power. Move the lever to the magnifying power of the objective. Then focus with this ring. Magnify the image Use your left and observe! eye.
  • Página 54 Chapter 3 A Quick Microscopic Procedure For microscopes equipped with Part 2 the field diaphragm Widen or narrow to merge the viewfields into one. Here’’s the power switch. Turn on the lamp and adjust Viewfields interpupillary distance. Adjust brightness too. Focus with 10x objective.
  • Página 55 Chapter 3 A Quick Microscopic Procedure Check the magnifying power. Turn off the power. Wait till the microscope cools down before storing. Move the lever to the magnifying power of the objective. Magnify the image and observe! Field diaphragm image Focus on Then, the field...
  • Página 56 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Lamp Illumination Turn on the power switch (turn to |) and the lamp Power ON will come on. Turn the brightness control dial to adjust the brightness of the viewfield. (Turning the dial clockwise increases the brightness; turning the dial counterclockwise decreases it.) Darkens.
  • Página 57 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Align the Diopter Ring with the Engraved Base Line Turn the diopter ring on the right eyepiece to align its bottom edge with the engraved base line. Turn and align the diopter ring on the left eyepiece in the same way.
  • Página 58 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Focusing Turning the focus knobs recklessly is a long and hard way to focus on the image. If you are using a high power objective, you may even damage the specimen by pressing it against the objective. Before breaking the coverglasses or damaging the objectives, read the following and find the correct way to focus on the specimen.
  • Página 59 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Eyepiece Diopter Adjustments Adjust the diopter ring on the eyepieces according to the difference between your left and right eyesight. This adjustment enables the user to take full advantage of the high-quality objectives, Focus with including their parfocality.
  • Página 60 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) (2) While looking into the eyepieces, rotate Field diaphragm image the condenser focus knob to focus the field diaphragm image on the specimen surface. (Focus on the edge of the diaphragm image.) Then, center Focus on the the image.
  • Página 61 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Adjusting the Aperture Diaphragm The aperture size is increased or decreased by rotating the condenser aperture diaphragm lever. If the aperture diaphragm is closed, the brightness and resolution are decreased but the contrast and range of focus are increased. If the aperture diaphragm is opened, the brightness and resolution are increased but the contrast and range of focus are decreased.
  • Página 62 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) The next procedure 10 is for the microscopes with field diaphragms. If the microscope does not have a field diaphragm, skip to procedure 11. Field Diaphragm Adjustment (for microscopes with the field diaphragm) The field diaphragm is used to control the specimen’s illuminated area relative to the microscope’s viewfield.
  • Página 63 Chapter 4 Microscopy (Detailed Procedure) Using the Working Distance for Focusing Each objective has its working distance indicated on its side. The working distance is the distance between the front of the objective and the specimen when the specimen image is in focus. If you have difficulties in focusing with the standard procedure described on p.
  • Página 64 Miscellaneous Operations Oil-Immersion Observation The “Oil” mark on the side of an objective indicates that it is an oil-immersion type objective. (The oil-immersion objective also has a black band around the barrel end.) An oil-immersion objective is used with the immersion oil applied between the front of the objective and the coverglass.
  • Página 65 • If you find an oil drips around the container, wipe them off. • Avoid contact of immersion oil with eyes or skin. In the event of contact with eyes or skin, take one of the following measures although Nikon immersion oil does not contain any toxic ingredients.
  • Página 66 Chapter 5 Miscellaneous Operations 2 Adjusting the Torque of the Coarse Focus Knob Adjusting the Torque of the Coarse Focus Knob The tension (torque) of the coarse focus knob rotation can be adjusted. To increase the tension, turn the coarse focus knob torque adjustment ring counterclockwise.
  • Página 67 C-mount CCTV camera (optional) are available. Read the manuals provided with these devices for installation and operating conditions. Eyepiece tubes and relay lenses come in various types. For details, ask your nearest Nikon representative. ● Trinocular Eyepiece Tube...
  • Página 68 When a 3CCD TV camera is used with some relay lenses, the colors of the video image may blur. For details, ask your nearest Nikon representative. ● Color Tone The color tone of the light from the lamp varies with the position of the brightness control dial.
  • Página 69 Chapter 5 Miscellaneous Operations 7 Cord Hangers Cord Hangers Push the cord hangers (optional) into the holes on the rear of the microscope. The hangers can be used for winding the power cord around when the microscope is not in use. To remove the hangers, use a screwdriver.
  • Página 70 If the voltage indication on the nameplate differs: Do not plug in the microscope. Contact your nearest Nikon representative. If the voltage indication above the AC inlet differs: Change the input voltage setting before turning on the power switch.
  • Página 71 Chapter 6 Assembly 1 Assembly of Standard Set Removal of Shipping Clamps The stage top plate and focusing mechanism are clamped for protection against vibration and shocks during transportation. Remove these shipping clamps with the hexagonal wrench provided. • Stage Top Plate: Shipping The top plate of the stage is retained in the clamps...
  • Página 72 Chapter 6 Assembly 2 Assembly of Additional Components Assembly of Additional Components Condenser The condenser is attached to the microscope before shipment. When removing or replacing the condenser, follow the procedure below. Lower the condenser holder to its full limit by Condenser focus knob rotating the condenser focus knob.
  • Página 73 Chapter 6 Assembly 2 Assembly of Additional Components (7-7) Center the field diaphragm image in the viewfield of the eyepiece by manipulating the centering screws. Centering is easier to perform if the size of the field diaphragm image is Field Field adjusted so that it is slightly smaller diaphragm...
  • Página 74 Chapter 6 Assembly 3 Replacement of Consumable Materials Replacement of Consumable Materials Replacing the Lamp WARNING • To avoid electrical shock or damage to the instrument, turn off the power switch (turn to “ ”) and unplug the power cord before lamp replacement.
  • Página 75 Chapter 6 Assembly 3 Replacement of Consumable Materials Turn off the power switch (turn to “ ”) and unplug the power cord. Wait about 30 minutes until the lamp and its surroundings are cool enough to touch. Hold the field lens unit at the vertical grooves on both sides and pull it toward you to remove it.
  • Página 76 Chapter 6 Assembly 3 Replacement of Consumable Materials Replacing the Fuse WARNING • To avoid electrical shock or damage to the instrument, turn off the power switch (turn to “ ”) and unplug the power cord before replacing the fuse. •...
  • Página 77 Optical Characteristics Combinations of 10x (Field No. 20) Eyepiece with E-Plan Objectives Objective Total Numerical Real Depth of Resolving Working Magnification Magnification Aperture Viewfield Focus Power Distance 4× 40× 5 mm 63.2 µm 2.8 µm 30 mm 10.1 µm 1.1 µm 10×...
  • Página 78 Chapter 7 Optical Characteristics 2 Microscope Terminology (5) Field Number of the Eyepiece The diameter of the opening of the fieldstop inside the eyepiece measured in mm. When an eyepiece has an indication of “10x / 20”, it means that the magnification is 10x and the field number is 20 for that eyepiece.
  • Página 79 Troubleshooting Tables If difficulties should be encountered in the course of operation, please recheck the symptoms, referring to the tables below, before contacting your nearest Nikon representative. Optical Darkness at the periphery, no viewfield seen, or uneven viewfield brightness. Causes...
  • Página 80 No immersion oil used on the front lens Apply Nikon immersion oil to the of the oil-immersion objective. objective. (P.62) Nikon immersion oil is not used for Use Nikon immersion oil. (P.62) oil-immersion observation. Air bubbles in immersion oil. Remove bubbles. (P.62)
  • Página 81 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables 1 Optical Immersion oil found on dry type Clean the objective. (P.63) objective (especially 40x objective). Aperture diaphragm and field diaphragm Close or open properly. (P.59, 60) opened or closed too far. Image dark on one side. Causes Corrective Measures Revolving nosepiece not in click-stop...
  • Página 82 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables 1 Optical Image tinged yellow. Causes Corrective Measures Blue filter not used. Use blue filter. (P.70) Adjust the voltage by rotating the Lamp voltage too low. brightness control dial. (P.54) Image too bright. Causes Corrective Measures Adjust the voltage by rotating the Lamp voltage too high.
  • Página 83 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables 2 Mechanical Problems Mechanical Problems Image cannot be focused with high-power objectives. Causes Corrective Measures Turn over the slide so that the cover Slide upside down. glass faces up. Use a cover glass of the specified Cover glass too thick.
  • Página 84 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables 2 Mechanical Problems Specimen image jumps when specimen is moved by the stage. Causes Corrective Measures Specimen holder not securely fastened Fasten securely. (P.71) to the stage. Binocular images not integrated. Causes Corrective Measures Interpupillary distance not adjusted Adjust.
  • Página 85 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tables 3 Electrical Problems Electrical Problems Lamp does not light when switched on. Causes Corrective Measures No electrical power. Check power cord connection. (P.69) Lamp bulb not inserted. Insert correctly. (P.72) Lamp bulb burnt out. Replace bulb. (P.72) Incorrect lamp used.
  • Página 86 • We especially recommend that the objectives and eyepieces be kept in a container (such as a desiccator) with desiccant in it. Periodical Inspections • To maintain the performance of the microscope, periodical inspections and maintenance are recommended. • For details, contact your nearest Nikon representative.
  • Página 87 Technical Specifications (1) Model Name: ECLIPSE E200 (Microscope basic unit) (2) Dimension and 227(W) ×382(D) ×415(H)mm, 10Kg Weight: (3) Optical System: CF infinity corrected optical system Second objective focal length f = 200 mm Built-in diascopic illumination system (Simplified Kohler’s illumination system)
  • Página 88 Chapter 10 Technical Specifications Model for 220, 230, 240 V Areas • Input voltage: Select from 220 V, 230 V or 240 V AC by relocating the fuse holder in the AC inlet. • Frequency: 50/60 Hz • Voltage fluctuation: ±10% •...