3.7 Handheld Vacuum Cleaner
DEEBOT has a detachable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner with attachments to clean more than
just the floor.
Assemble the Handheld Vacuum
P r e s s t h e H a n d h e l d V a c u u m C l e a n e r
Release Button on the back of the Charging
Dock and remove the Handheld Vacuum
Cleaner by pulling straight up.
Connect the Handheld Assembly to the
Handheld Vacuum Cleaner. Make sure the
power slot is aligned correctly.
Twist the hook to release the power cord quickly.
Attach the Hose to the Handheld Assembly.
Insert the Hose and twist to lock.
The Telescopic Wand can be attached to add variable length.
Push the adjustment button of Telescopic Wand and adjust the length of the wand to meet
your needs. Release the button to lock the length.
3. Operating and Programming