Before you begin
P arts included
B e f o r e y o u b e g i n
Built-in oven
2 Torx screws
Tools and parts needed
Screwdriver Torx T20
Tape Measure
Spirit level
Power Requirements
The outlet must be properly grounded in accordance with
all applicable codes.
Preparing Kitchen Units
P r e p a r i n g K i t c h e n U n i t s
K itchen units must be temperature-resistant up to
195° F (90 °C) and adjoining furniture frontages up to
160° F (70 °C).
The wall socket must be outside the built-in niche.
Cut recesses on the furniture before inserting the
appliance. Remove any shavings, as these can affect the
operation of electrical components.
Secure unsecured furniture items to the wall using a
commercially available bracket.
Only install the appliance so high that accessories can
be removed with ease.
Before you begin