Passive Disco Systems
When using X21D choose one of the following options:
f) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF80] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD80] preset.
g) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF90] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD90] preset.
h) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF100] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD100] preset.
i) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF110] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD110] preset.
j) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF120] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD120] preset.
When using X218D choose one of the following options:
k) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF90] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD90] preset.
l) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF100] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD100] preset.
m) The front facing subwoofers must be driven with [LPF110] preset and the back
facing subwoofer must be driven with [CARD110] preset.
Fig.22. Cardioid presets for X18D subwoofer
Nov 2015
Amate Audio