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Working in the vicinity of a lead-acid battery is dangerous. Batteries generate explosive gases during normal
battery operation. For this reason, it is of utmost importance that each time before using your charger, you
read this manual and follow the instructions exactly.
WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories sold with this product, will
expose you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Before you use your battery charger, be sure to read all in-
structions and cautions printed on:
• Battery Charger
• Battery
• Vehicle or unit using battery
Use battery charger on LEAD-ACID type rechargeable bat-
teries only, such as used in automobiles, trucks, tractors,
airplanes, vans, RVs, trolling motors, etc. Charger is not in-
tended to supply power to low-voltage electrical system other
than in an automotive application.
WARNING: Do not use battery charger for charging dry-cell
batteries that are commonly used with home appliances.
These batteries may burst and cause injury to persons and
damage to property.
Use only attachments recommended or sold by manufac-
turer. Use of non-recommended attachments may result in
fire, electric shock, or injury.
When disconnecting the battery charger, pull by the plug not
by the cord. Pulling on the cord may cause damage to cord
or plug.
Locate battery charger power cord so it cannot be stepped
on, tripped over, or subjected to damage or stress.
Do not operate charger with damaged cord or plug. Have
cord replaced immediately.
Do not operate charger if it has received a sharp blow, been
dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way. Take it to a quali-
fied professional for inspection and repair.
Do not disassemble charger. Take it to a qualified profes-
sional when service or repair is required. Incorrect reassem-
bly may result in electric shock or fire.
To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug charger from outlet
before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.
Important Safety Instructions
Read Instructions and Rules for Safe Operation Carefully.
Model: PSC-2030T
10/30/200 Amp Manual
For 6 and 12 Volt Batteries
10. Do not use an extension cord unless absolutely necessary.
Use of an improper extension cord could result in fire or
electric shock. If an extension cord must be used, make sure
• Pins on plug of extension cord are the same number, size,
and shape as those of plug on charger.
• Extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical con-
• Wire size is large enough for AC ampere rating of charger,
as specified below:
Length of cord (feet):
AWG* size of cord:
*AWG-American Wire Gauge
11. Always charge battery in a well ventilated area.
NEVER operate in a closed-in or restricted area without ad-
equate ventilation because of a risk of explosive gases.
WARNING: Risk of explosive gas.
12. Locate charger as far away from battery as DC charger cables
13. Do not expose charger to rain or snow.
14. NEVER charge a frozen battery. If battery fluid (electrolyte)
is frozen, bring into a warm area to thaw before charging.
15. NEVER allow battery acid to drip on charger when reading
specific gravity or filling battery.
16. NEVER set a battery on top of charger.
17. NEVER place charger directly above battery being charged.
Gases from battery will corrode and damage charger.
18. NEVER touch the battery clips together when the charger is



Resumen de contenidos para Proseries PSC-2030T

  • Página 1 FOR LEAD-ACID BATTERIES Model: PSC-2030T 10/30/200 Amp Manual INSTRUCTION MANUAL For 6 and 12 Volt Batteries –Save– Important Safety Instructions Read Instructions and Rules for Safe Operation Carefully. Working in the vicinity of a lead-acid battery is dangerous. Batteries generate explosive gases during normal battery operation.
  • Página 2 PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS AND SAFETY WARNING: Wear complete eye protection and protective necklaces and watches when working with a lead-acid bat- clothing, when working with lead-acid batteries. tery. A lead-acid battery can produce a short-circuit current Make sure someone is within range of your voice or close high enough to weld a ring (or the like) to metal, causing a enough to come to your aid when you work with or near a severe burn.
  • Página 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: CHARGING BATTERY IN VEHICLE When charging battery in the vehicle, take care to determine the battery type and which post is grounded. To reduce risk of a spark near battery, follow these steps when battery is installed in vehicle. WARNING: A spark near battery may cause battery explosion. Position AC power cord and DC charging cords in such a way as to reduce risk of damage by hood, door, or moving engine parts.
  • Página 4 OUTPUT SELECTOR CONTROLS Your charger has a five-position, rotary charge-rate selector switch. Your charger is also equipped with a dual, self reset circuit breaker system. Select the switch position that meets your charging needs. See The first breaker is designed to interrupt a high flow of current description below.
  • Página 5 ENGINE START With the charger unplugged from the AC outlet, connect the If the engine fails to start, charge the battery for 5 more min- charger to the battery following instructions given in section utes before attempting to crank the engine again. After the engine starts, move the charge rate switch to the Plug the charger AC power cord into the AC outlet, then set off position and then unplug the AC power cord from the...
  • Página 6 LIMITED WARRANTY DSR CORPORATION, 801 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, MOUNT limited warranty and expressly excludes any implied warranty PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, 60056-2179 MAKES THIS LIMITED including any warranty for consequential damages. WARRANTY TO THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER AT RETAIL OF This is the only express limited warranty and the manufacturer THIS PRODUCT.
  • Página 7 NOTES...
  • Página 8 PARA BATERÍAS DE PLOMO-ACIDO Model: PSC-2030T Tipo Manual de 10/30/200 Amperios MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES Para Baterías de 6 y 12 Voltios –Guarde estas– Instrucciones Importantes De Seguridad Lea con detenimiento estas instrucciones y reglas para utilizarlas con seguridad. El trabajar cerca de baterías de plomo-ácido es peligroso. Las baterías generan gases explosivos durante su operación normal.
  • Página 9 PRECAUCIONES Y SEGURIDAD PERSONALES ADVERTENCIA: Use protección total para los ojos y protección Para trabajar con una batería de plomo-ácido quítese todo para la ropa al trabajar con baterías de plomo-ácido. objeto de metal tales como anillos, brazaletes, collares y relojes.
  • Página 10 F. INSTRUCCIONES DE OPERACIÓN: PARA CARGAR UNA BATERÍA INSTALADA EN EL VEHÍCULO Para cargar la batería en el vehículo, tenga cuidado de determinar el tipo de batería y cuál de los postes está conectado a tierra. Para reducir el riesgo de chispas cerca de la batería, siga los siguientes pasos cuando la batería está instalada en el vehículo. ADVERTENCIA: Una chispa cerca de la batería puede causar la explosión de esta.
  • Página 11 CONTROLES SELECTORES DE SALIDA Su cargador tiene un conmutador giratorio de 5 posiciones para seleccionar la tasa de carga. Seleccione la posición del conmutador de acuerdo con la carga requerida. Véase la descripción a continuación. Posición del conmutador Se usa para MUY IMPORTANTE- ASEGÚRESE QUE EL VOLTAJE DE LA BATERÍA CONCUERDE CON LA CARGA SELECCIONADA EN Apagado...
  • Página 12 PERIODO DE CARGA Determine el nivel de carga de la batería con un hidrómetro o el porcentaje electrónico del probador de carga. Determine el régimen de amperio-hora de la batería. Posiblemente esté en la etiqueta de datos de la batería. Si la batería tiene régimen en capacidad de reserva, se puede convertir en régimen de amperio-hora utilizando la formula a continuación: Régimen de Amperio-hora = capacidad de reserva + 16...
  • Página 13 GARANTIA LIMITADA DSR CORPORATION, 801 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, MOUNT El fabricante no hace ninguna otra garantía aparte de la presente PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, 60056-2179, HACE ESTA GARANTÍA garantía limitada, y expresamente excluye cualquier garantía LIMITADA AL COMPRADOR ORIGINAL AL POR MENOR DE ESTE implícita, inclusive garantía por daños indirectos.
  • Página 14 POUR BATTERIES AU PLOMB-ACIDE Modèle : PSC-2030T 10/30/200 A manuel GUIDE D’UTILISATION Pour batteries de 6 et 12 volts –Conservez– Consignes de sécurité importantes Lisez attentivement les instructions et les consignes de sécurité. Il est dangereux de travailler à proximité d’une batterie au plomb-acide. Les batteries produisent des gaz explosifs dans des conditions normales d’utilisation.
  • Página 15 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ À L’INTENTION DE L’USAGER ATTENTION : Portez des lunettes de sûreté et des vêtements Assurez-vous de ne pas porter d’objets métalliques tels que protecteurs quand vous manipulez des batteries au plomb- des bagues, des bracelets, des colliers ou des montres quand acide.
  • Página 16 MISE EN GARDE SUR L’EMPLACEMENT DU CHARGEUR Ne placez jamais le chargeur au-dessus de la batterie pendant la charge ; les gaz qui s’échappent de la batterie peuvent l’endommager. Ne laissez jamais égoutter l’acide de batterie sur le chargeur quand vous mesurez la charge avec un pèse-acide ou quand vous remplissez les éléments.
  • Página 17 vous effectuez le dernier raccordement. Faites bouger la pince de l’avant vers l’arrière pour assurer une bonne connexion. Suivez les étapes 1 à 4 de la section L – Charge de la batterie. Choisissez l’intensité. 60 cm (24 po) Lorsque la batterie est complètement chargée, placez la minuterie et le commutateur à...
  • Página 18 AIDE-DÉMARRAGE Assurez-vous que le chargeur n’est pas branché dans la prise Si le moteur refuse de démarrer, chargez la batterie 5 min- de courant et reliez-le à la batterie en suivant les directives de utes de plus avant de tenter à nouveau de démarrer le moteur. la section F.
  • Página 19 GARANTIE LIMITÉE DSR CORPORATION, 801 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, MOUNT cette garantie limitée et exclut expressément toute garantie tacite PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056-2179 OFFRE LA GARANTIE incluant toute garantie pour des dommages indirects. LIMITÉE SUIVANTE À L’ACHETEUR INITIAL AU DÉTAIL DE Cette garantie est la seule garantie limitée expresse et le fabricant CE PRODUIT.
  • Página 20 REMARQUES...