About the temperature controls,
Nat all features are an all models.
Hold 3 seconds
Hold 3 seconds
to Reset
Thetemperature controlsore presetin thefoctor_t a t 37°Ffortherefrigerator compartmentand O°F forthe
freezer c omportment. A llow24 hoursfor thetemperature to stabilizeto thepresetrecommended s ettings.
Thetemperature controlscondisplogboththeSETtemperature aswellastheactualtemperature in
therefrigerator andfreezen Theactualtemperature may varyslightlyfromtheSETtemperature based
on usageand operatingenvironment.
i_ Onsomemodels, s ettingbothcontrolsto the warmestsettinguntilthedisplogflashes(off)will stop
coolingin boththefreezer and refrigerator compartments.
:_ Onothermodels, s ettingeithercontrolto thewarmestsettingund thedisplayflashes (off)will stop
thecoolingto thefreezer and refrigerator.
_,_NOTE; Turningtherefrigerator off viathe controlson thetouchpaneldoesnotshut off electrical power
to therefrigerator.
NOTE: Therefrigerator is shippedwith protective film covering thetemperature controls. I f this film was
notremovedduringinstallation, r emoveit no_z
Performance Air Flow Sgstem
ThePerformance Air-Flow Systemisdesigned to
maximize temperaturecontrolin the refrigerator
and freezercompartments. T hisuniquespecial
featureconsistsof the AirToweralongthe back
wall of the refrigerator and the AirTunnel o n the
bottomportionof thefreezerrear wall.Placing
food in front of the louverson thesecomponents
willnot affect performance. A lthoughthe AirTower
andthe AirTunnelcanbe removed, d oingsowill
affecttemperatureperformance. ( Forremoval
instructions, o n-line,contact usat ge.comor
In Canada, c ontactusat
geappliances.ca o r call 1.800.561.3344.)
About TurboCool ." Ion
some models)
How it Works
TurboCool r apidlycoolsthe refrigerator
compartmentin orderto morequicklycoolfoods.
UseTurboCool w hen addinga largeamount
offood to the refrigerator compartment,putting
awayfoods after they havebeensittingout at
roomtemperatureor when puttingaway warm
leftovers. I t can alsobe usedif the refrigerator has
beenwithout powerfor an extendedperiod.
Onceactivated,the compressor w ill turn on
immediatelyandthe fanswill cycleon and off
at high speedas needed for eighthours.
Thecompressor w ill continueto run untilthe
refrigerator compartmentcoolsto approximately
34°F(1°C), thenit will cycleon and off to maintain
this setting.After8 hours,or if Tur6oCaol i s
pressed again,the refrigerator compartment
will returnto the originalsetting.
How to Use
Press TurboCool. TheTur6oCool t ernperature
displaywill showTcand the LED will be activated.
AfterTur6oCool i s complete, t he Tur6oCool
indicatorlightwill go out.
NOTES; T herefrigerator temperaturecannot
be changedduring Tur6oCaol.
Thefreezertemperatureisnot affected
Whenopeningthe refrigeratordoor
duringTur6oCaol, the fans willcontinue
to run if they havecycledon.