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Harman AKG WMS 40 mini Guia De Inicio Rapido página 2


Empfanger an symmetrischen
asymmetrischen Eingang anschlieBen!
Empfanger an das Netz anschlieBen und Batterien in den Sender einlegen.
Connect receiver to a balanced
unbalanced input!
Connect receiver to the mains and insert batteries in the transmitter.
Conectar el receptor a la entrada simetrica 0 asimetrica!
Conectar el receptor a la red y colocar las baterias en el emisor.
Tips & Tricks
O Tips & Tricks
Instrument Oder Mikrofon an den Mini-XLR-Stecker des Taschenempfangers anschlieBen.
Connect instrument or microphone to the mini-XLR jack of the pocket receiver.
Conectar el instrumento o microfono en la clavija mini-XLR del receptor de bolsillo.
Mindestabstand zwischen Sender und Empfanger beachten.
Observe minimum distance between transmitter and receiver.
Respetar la distancia minima entre el emisor y el receptor.
Empfanger und Sender einschalten.
Switch on receiver and transmitter.
Conectar el emisor y el receptor.
grun: Batterie ist ok und der Sender betriebsbereit; rot: Batterie bald austauschen; kein Aufleuchten: Batterie austauschen
Green: battery is OK and transmitter is operational; Red: replace battery soon; Does not light up: replace battery now
verde: la bateria esta bien y el emisor esta listo; rojo: cambiar la bateria pronto; ningun destello: cambiar la bateria
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Lassen Sie nie mehr als 2 Personen in ein Mikrofon singen. Der Einfallswinkel sollte
nie grofier als 35° sein!
Never let more than 2 people sing into one microphone. The angle of incidence
should never be more than 35°!
Bei Mikrofonen mit einer nierenformigen Richtcharakteristik erfolgt die groBte
Dampfung des Schalls bei 180°. Deshalb werden diese Mikrofone bevorzugt
eingesetzt, wo sich eine Storschallquelle Oder ein Lautsprecher unmittelbar
gegeniiber dem Sprecher befindet. Ein Besprechungsabstand unter 5 cm verleiht
Ihrer Stimme einen voluminosen und bassbetonten Klang.
No deje que canten nunca mas de dos personas en el microfono. El angulo de
incidencia nunca debe ser superior a los 35°!
O Tips & Tricks
Eingangsempfindlichkeit am Taschensender PT40, mit dem im Batteriefachdeckel
integrierten Schraubendreher einstellen:
Wenn AF CLIP haufig leuchtet, das Potentiometer am PT40 kleiner stellen.
Adjust the input sensitivity on the PT40 pocket transmitter using the screwdriver
included in the battery compartment cover:
If AF CLIP lights up frequently, reduce the potentiometer setting on the PT40.
En el emisor de bolsillo PT40, ajuste la sensibilidad de entrada con el destornillador
integrado en la tapa de la bateria:
Si el AF CLIP se enciende frecuentemente, reduzca el potenciometro del PT40.
FCC Statement:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Parts 74 and 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded cables and I/O cords must be used for this equipment to comply with the relevant
FCC regulations.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved in writing by AKG Acoustics may void the
user's authority to operate Ihis equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
In the case of microphones with a cardioid polar pattern, most sound attenuation
occurs at 180°. These microphones should therefore preferably be used where there
is an interference noise source or a loudspeaker directly opposite the speaker.
Holding the microphone less than 5 cm from your mouth will give your voice a
voluminous and punchy quality.
En microfonos con una caracteristica direccional en forma de rifion se consigue un
mayor amortiguamiento de las ondas a 180°. Por eso es preferible utilizar estos
microfonos, en los que una fuente de perturbacion del sonido se encuentra justo en
frente del locutor. Si habla a menos de 5 cm, su voz adquirira un tono voluminoso de
bajos acentuados.
© Volume Configuration - Audio-Mixer
Passen Sie den Audiopegel mit dem Volume-Button an Ihr angeschlossenes Gerat
an. Fur optimale Ergebnisse empfehlen wir einen moglichst hohen Eingangspegel
urn einen optimalen Signal-Rauschabstand zu erhalten. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass
die Pegelanzeige auch bei lautem Besprechen des Mikrofons nie in den roten
Bereich gerat, da es sonst zu unangenehm klingenden Verzerrungen kommen
kann. Erhohen Sie den Eingangspegel vorsichtig bis die Pegelanzeige gerade nicht
rot aufleuchtet.
Adjust the audio level using the Volume control on the instrument you have
connected. For best results we recommend using the highest possible input level
in order to obtain the best possible signal-to-noise ratio. However, even when
someone is speaking loudly into the microphone you should take care to ensure
that the level indicator never moves into the red zone; failure to do so can result in
unpleasant distortion. Carefully increase the input level until the level indicator is
just below the red zone.
Regule los niveles de audio con el boton de volumen en su equipo conectado. Para
unos resultados optimos, le recomendamos unos niveles de entrada lo mas altos
posible para conseguir la mejor relacion senal/ruido. Sin embargo, tenga en
cuenta que el nivel de audio nunca llega a la zona roja incluso aunque se hable
alto en el microfono, ya que de lo contrario puede provocar distorsiones que
suenen desagradables. Aumente los niveles de entrada con cuidado hasta que los
niveles de audio dejen de encenderse de color rojo.
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