Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Salty tasting
water after installation
colored water
Resin beads showing
up in drinking water
and sink
Unit not sanitized
To Do
• Complete the Sanitizotion procedures on page !2.
At completion of recharge cgcle (approx. 2 hrs), run water
from faucets to purge the saltg water.
Low water pressure
Check pressure.
Drainheight 8' or less,pressure should be minimum of 20 psi.
Drainheight above 8', pressureshould be minimum of 50 psi.
Restricted drain hose
Clean and reconnect hose.
Check for kinks in drain line.
Unit was idle for a period of time
• Complete the Sanitization Procedureson page 12.
Cracked distributor
Callfor service.
Sounds you might hear
Running water from the unit
,, This is normal.
into a drain during recharge
Water has air bubbles
Air in sgstem after installation
• Will go awag after it runs for a while.
and is cloudy
Error Code on control
Wiring mag have worked loose
in the control
,, See page !6 for details.
• Unplug transformer.
,, Removecontrol cover,release clips on side.
Check for loose/incorrect wiring connections to electronic
board or switch. Reconnect as required.
Reassemblecontrol cover.
Plug in Transformer.
Wait six minutes for Error Codeto reappear.
If Error Code reappears, call for service.