Select the water temperature
for the wash and rinse (_cles. Ahvays follow fhbdc manufhcturer's
label or instructions when laundering.
Wash Cycle
The wash (_<:lecontrols the length of the washing process. The knob can be turned in either direction.
Turning the Cycle Selector knob after starting a cycle will stop the washer and reset the cycle m the new
selection. Press START to begin the new (¢,cle selection.
CycleSelector knob can
be pointed anywhere
within the shaded range
for the cycle setting.
The Cycle Indicator Lights showwhat stage the washer is in. The wash time is the length of the wash
agitation. The 6 MIN light will remain lit dunng drain and spin. X_mn the Selector knob is set to a new
(¢,cle the Indicator Lights will flash momentarily,
showing what stages the c¢,clewill go through.
The chart below will help you match the wash (?,cle setting with your clothing.
COTrONS Forheawto lightlysoiledcottons,household l inens, w ork andplayclothes.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-free andpermanent pressitems,andknits.
HANDWASH Foritemslabeled handwashable with lightsoils.Provides p eriod of agitation andsoakduring
15 MIN/30 MIN
Forlingerie andspecial-care f abricswith lightto normal s oil.
Forheavily soiledand heaw-duty fabrics.Thiscycleprovides a longeragitation.
Forquicklyrinsing chlorine, p erspiration, stains, e tc.outof clothes.
Forheavily soiledclothes. B egins with a briefagitation,soaks for a specified periodof time,thenmoves
AUTOSOAK through the restof thecycleautomatically.
Press START to be_n the cycle. Pressing START again or raising the lid will PAUSE the (?<:le and
the Cycle indicator light will blink.