≤130" VERSION ONLY Insert the stiffener profiles in the internal groove of the frame, screw them
on the frame from the front side of the screen.
>130" VERSION ONLY Position the brackets on the horizontal frame profiles (IMG.1), fix them on
the profile with the screws and the square nuts wich are inside the profile (IMG.2), position the
rectangular tube inside the brackets (IMG.3) and for last fix the rectangular tube on the brackets with
big screws, the screws are already plugged into the profiles(IMG.4).
Made by Adeo Screen Sp. Z o.o. (Poland) Specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE
Page 63
Please verify that you are working with the latest revision of this document before specifying your screen.
Doc: X4R3 – Installation Manual rev1 | 30.07.2018