7. Accuracy Check
1. Verify Calibration
NOTE: This test should be done indoors with dim lighting. It is
critical that the laser mark is easily seen.
Note the X- and Y-direction as
indicated on the top of the laser.
(Figure 27)
2. In an indoor setting, place the laser on a level platform or a
tripod 50' away from a wall. Position the laser so the X-direction
is facing the wall.
3. Press the
4. After the unit self-levels, mark any point along the top edge of
the beam where the beam hits the wall as Point Ax.
5. Turn the rotary laser unit 180° without moving the tripod.
6. Again, mark a point where the top edge of the beam hits the wall
as Point Bx. This point should be in the same vertical plane as
point Ax (directly above, below, or on top of point Ax).
7. If the two points do not overlap, mark the center point between
points Ax and Bx as Point 0x.
8. If the distance between point Ax and Point Bx is more than 1/32"
at 50', the laser is out of calibration.
9. Position the rotary laser so the Y-direction is facing the wall.
10. Perform the Y-direction self-check using the same method as the
X-direction (steps 4-8 above) and mark Point Ay, By, and 0y.
11. If the distance between points Ay and By is more than 1/32" at
50', the laser is out of calibration.
12. If the rotary laser fails step 8 or step 11, contact our Customer
Service Department at 888-953-8357.
©2023 Johnson Level & Tool
button to turn on the rotary laser.
Figure 27