3. Install exhaust
air duct & its
into window
kit according
to arrowhead
Fig. 5
5. Open the window where need
install exhaust air duct, window
kit and their accessories.
Fig. 8
8. Connect another end of exhuast
air duct and its accessories onto
portable air conditioner.
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4. Assembly
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
6. Install exhaust air duct,
window kit and their
accessories onto window,
then close the window
according to arrowhead
direction in Fig 6 drawing to
press window kit tightly.
Fig. 9
9. Exhuast air duct & its
accessories assembly finished
as Fig 9 drawing illustrated.
7. Install exhaust air duct,
window kit and their
accessories onto window
according to Fig 7 drawing
10. Whole unit assembly well as
Fig 10 drawing illustrated.
Fig. 4
Fig. 7
Fig. 10
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30-11-2022 14:53:28