Properuse of theappliance, a dequately packedfood,
precautions will substantially influence the qualityof
the foodstored
• Foodsto be storedin therefrigerator s houldbe
properlypackedso asto preventmixingvarious
moisturedegreesandodors(in polyethylene b ags
or sheet,aluminum foil,wax paper,or storedin
coveredconlainers or bottles).
• BeforestoringfoodIn therefrigerator, remove
excessivepackaging (iikeyogurtin multi-package)
• Packsystematically a nd makesurethat
foodslul[sdo nottouch eachother(various odors
maymix) Assureadequateair circulation
• Neversloreflammable, v olatile or
explosive substances
• Beverages with highatcoholpercentage shall
be storedin tightly.sealed botlles_n
• FoodshouldnotIouchtherear wallof
• Crispyanddelicatefoods shouldbe storedin the
coldestpartsof the refrigeralo_
• Try notto openthe doortoo often.
• Sol thethai:roosts[ Io a settingwherelewes{
temperatures a re reached,'Set thethermostat
graduallyso as to avoidfreezing of foods -Usea
thermometer a nd measure the temperature in the
individual c ompa_ments. P lacethe thermostat i n a.
glassvesselfilledwithwater. Temperature r eadings
are mostreitablea few hoursaftera steadyslate
condition is reached
- _.
, Someorganicsolulionslikevolatileoilsin lemon
and orangepe,eE, acid in butteretc. cancause.
damagewhenznconiaclwith'plastics'drfaces ' or
gaskets, f6[ ol_gperiods"of t ime.'"
' '- ' '
, "-'I
' J '-'
• Unpleasant o dorsinsidethe refrtgeralor'ls, a sign
that something is wrongwith foodsor tha!your ,.,
refrigera!or n eeds:cleaning, U npleasant odorscan.,
be eltmtnaled or reducedby,'washing t hetntertorof
therefrigerator with mildsolutionofwale,r and . .
vinegar.We alsorecommend usingaclivatedcarbon
filtersto cleaqthe air or toneutralize odors :. ,
• 'If youar_ ,olann]_ga longjourney,' rnak-e'sure t o '-
removeperishable'articles of food outof the -
appliance beforeyou leave.
' ......
• Foods should be cooled down before storing,