During unpacking make sure that all parts were provided according to the list in subsection 4.
Fig. 1. After releasing the catches (8) lift the filter cover (4) from the container (10). The top filtration media magazine
(7) with sponge (filtration cartridge 17) and the magazine cover (6) can remain in the filter cover (4). It can be easily
Fig. 2. Remove from the container in order: magazine cover (6), filtration media magazines (7) with filtration cartridges
(17-20) and flow cover (9).
This subsection applies only to purchasing a separate UV sterilizer or FZKN PLUS versions of the filter. The actions of in-
stalling of a separately bought UV sterilizer into FZKN filter are described first – see fig. 3-6 – then there is the description
of FZKN PLUS types – fig. 7.
CAUTION: During installation of UV sterilizer in FZKN filter the filter container (10) has to be empty [the filtration media
magazines with filtration cartridges and the flow cover (9) are removed] and cleaned.
Fig. 3. From the outside of the filter container (10), remove the plug (21 and 23) (until the UV sterilizer is applied, these
elements should not be removed).
Clean the opening at the bottom of the housing (10) freed in this way. Remove the seal (21) from the plug (23), clean it of
calcium deposit, apply a film of Vaseline and insert in its passage on the UV sterilizer housing (33) [as shown in figure 5].
Fig. 4. Remove the fitting (36) from the UV sterilizer by turning its knob clockwise, in the direction of arrow described as
„OUT" (The quartz casing (34) should not be removed!).
Fig. 5. At the opposite end of housing (33) remove the small plug by screwing it out. In the FZKN filter it will be no longer
Place slightly inclined flow cover (9) on sterilizer housing (33) next to the "A" stub – this position is marked by broken lines
– then twisting according to the arrow, slide it so it hangs freely in the middle between two side stubs of the housing (the
position is marked by broken lines on the left side of the figure).
Fig. 6. The view of inside of the container (10). In position "A" marked by broken lines of the sterilizer stubs, place the
housing (33) in the opening in the bottom of the container (10) and carefully press it in until resistance, then secure it in
place by turning anticlockwise according to the second arrow until position "B" marked by solid lines. [To have a better view
during this operation it is recommended to lift the flow cover (9) on the UV housing (33)].
Set the flow cover (9) down evenly until resistance. In this position it will secure the sterilizer housing against unintended
removal. [Its other task is directing the filtered water to the inside of the sterilizer].
Check the tightness by pouring some water into the container (10). After the verification remove the water.
Fig. 7. Applies to FZKN PLUS filter only. The view of outside of the bottom of the container (10). Remove the fitting (36)
from the filter by turning it clockwise, according to the arrow described as "OUT". [The quartz casing (34) remains in its
[After the actions according to figures 3 ÷ 6 (FZKN filter) or the figure 7 (FZKN PLUS filter version) the filters are in identical condi-
tion, therefore the following description is common].
Press the fluorescent lamp (35) into fitting (36) until locked.
CAUTION: Do not touch the fluorescent lamp glass, remove the potential finger marks with a dry cloth.
Gently place the fitting (36) along with the installed fluorescent lamp (35) in the quartz cover (34) and screw it inside in
the opposite direction. Note: after this action the quartz cover (34) and the fitting (36) should be in the position showed
on figure 7.
The preparation of sterilizer in the FZKN filter is now complete. Its operation can be checked by connecting it for a mo-
ment to power supply. There will be a visible glow through the opening at the end of sterilizer housing that is inside of the
container (10) and the lamp signalizing the operation of fluorescent lamp on the plug ballast will turn on.
5.1. Unpacking
5.2. Preparing the UV Sterilizer