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Craftsman 286.17589 Manual Del Operador página 13


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

1.ALWAYS s upport theworkpiece near t hecut.
2.ALWAYS s upport theworkpiece sothecutwillbeonyourright.
3.ALWAYS c lamp theworkpiece soitwill
not move duringthe cut.
Place the workpiecewith the good side down. NOTE: The good side is the side
where appearance is important.
Before starting a cut, draw a guidelinealong the desired line of cut. Then place the
front edge of the saw blades on the part of the workpiece that is solidlysupported.
4. NEVER place the saw on the part of the workpiece that will fall off when the cut is
5. ALWAYS keep the cordaway from the cutting area, ALWAYS place the cord so it
does not hang up on the workpiece when makinga cut.
If the cord hangs up on the workpieceduring a cut, release the
on/offswitchimmediately.Unplug the saw and movethe cordto prevent it from
! hanging up again.
Usingthe saw with a damaged cordcould result in serious
injury or death. If the cord has been damaged, have it replaced before using the
saw again.
If the blades come in contact with the workpiece before they
reach fu!l speed, it could cause the saw to kickback towards you, resulting in
serous nlury.
When making a cut, ALWAYS use steady, even pressure. Forcingthe saw causes
roughcuts and could shorten the life of the saw or cause kickback.
,/_, DANGER:
When sawing through the workpiece, the lower blade guard
does not cover the blades.The blades are exposed on the under side of the
workpiece. ALWAYS keep your hands and fingers away from the cutting area.
Any part of your body coming in contact with the moving blades will result
in serious injury.
After completingyour cut, release the on/off switch and allow the blades to come to a
completestop. DO NOT remove the saw from the workplece while the blades
are moving.
Whenever you liftyour saw from the workpiece,the blades are
exposed on the under side of the saw until the lower blade guard closes. ALWAYS
MAKE SURE that the lower blade guard is closed before setting the saw down on
work surface.

