Normal operating sounds.
These sounds are normal and are due mostly
to highly efficient operation.
The new high efficiency comptessor
runs faster and will have a higher pitch htma
or pulsating sound while operating
The fb.ns circulating ,air inside die freezer and reSigerator
comparm_ents which
keep the temperatures
uniform duoughout
The falls operating at a high speed
This happens ,daen the refrigeratol
is fi_t
plugged in, when the doors are opened
fiequently, or when a large amount of
food is added to the refiigerator
or freezer comparmmnts.
on the defrost heatel caming a sizzling, hissing or' popping
sound during the defiost cycte_
The flow of refrigerant thzough the freezer cooling coils sounds like boiling
water or a gurgling noise.
Cracking or popping of cooling coils caused by expansion and contraction
during defi"ost and refrigeration
foItowing defrost
Water ciripping as it melts fr'om the evaporator and flo'_ to the drain pm_
during the defiost cycle°
The icemaker water valve will buzz when the icemaker filIs with watei: If the
power switch is ir_ the I (on) position it will buzz even if it has not yet been hooked
up to water,. Keeping the power switch in the I (on) position before it is hooked up
to water can damage the icemaker. To prevent dais, set the power switch to the
0 (off) position This will stop the buzzing
The sound of cubes dr'opping into the bin and water running in pipes as
icemaker refills.