1. N
ote: The the pool water level must be below the level of the 1.5" return
fitting where the MicroBrite will be installed.
2. Follow the Wet Conduit Installation Steps 1-10 as described on page 7, 8 and 9.
At Step 4, be sure to install the Optional O-Ring onto the back of the
MicroBrite light.
3. Pull the O-Ring over the front of the light lens and place it behind the lens body.
4. Apply the provided lubricant on the O-Ring.
5. By hand, press the light body into the wall fitting until the O-Ring is seated
inside the wall fitting.
6. Resume the installation process at Step 6 (see page 8).
Install O-Ring then apply
provided lubricant to
seal tting and conduit
from water entry
MicroBrite Color and White Light Installation and User's Guide
1-1/2" Standard
Wall Fitting