connection protocol: response version:
Multiline only commands:
username: {username}
password: {password}
slate clips:↵
reel: {n}
scene id: {id}
shot type:
take: {n}
take scenario:
take auto inc: {true/false}
good take: {true/false}
environment: {interior/exterior}
day night: {day/night}
slate project:↵
project name: {name}
camera: {index}
director: {name}
camera operator: {name}
slate lens:↵
lens type: {type}
Command Description
change the output of "clips get", "disk list" and related responses
(this command does not affect other client connections)
version 1
205 clips get
id: filename startT duration
519 clips info
id: startT duration inT outT filename
206 disk list
id: filename codec format duration
520 disk list info
id: filename codec format duration
version 2
205 clips get
id: startT duration inT outT folder/filename
519 clips info
id: startT duration inT outT folder/filename
206 disk list
id: codec format duration folder/filename
520 disk list info
id: codec format duration folder/filename
Command Description
authenticate user for secure access
case sensitive username
case sensitive password
set slate clips information:
slate reel number, where {n} is in [1, 999]
slate scene id value, where {id} is a string
slate shot type
slate take number, where {n} is in [1, 99]
slate take scenario
slate take auto increment
slate good take
slate environment
slate day or night
set slate project information:
project name (can be empty, supports UTF-8)
set camera index e.g. A
director (can be empty, supports UTF-8)
camera operator (can be empty, supports UTF-8)
set lens information:
lens type (can be empty, supports UTF-8)
Informazioni per gli sviluppatori (inglese)