Clearing the current timeline
The "clips clear" command instructs the deck to empty the current timeline:
clips clear↵
The server responds with
200 ok↵
Adding a clip to the current timeline
The "clips add:" command instructs the deck to add a clip to the current timeline:
clips add: name: {"clip name"}↵
The server responds with
200 ok↵
or in case of error
1xx {error description}↵
Configuring the watchdog
The "watchdog" command instructs the deck to monitor the connected client and terminate the connection
if the client is inactive for at least a specified period of time.
To configure the watchdog:
watchdog: period: {period in seconds}↵
To avoid disconnection, the client must send a command to the server at least every {period} seconds.
Note that if the period is set to 0 connection monitoring will be disabled.
Network Area Storage
On networks using multicast DNS the "nas discovered" command will list network servers the HyperDeck has
nas discovered↵
225 nas host info:
CloudStoreMini.local. CloudStoreMini
CloudStore80.local. CloudStore80
CloudStore320.local. CloudStore320
A network share can be added to the HyperDeck using 'nas add'. For guest logins username and password
can be omitted.
nas add:
url: smb://CloudStore80.local/Studio1
For shares that require a username and password consider using the secure mode of the HyperDeck
Ethernet protocol to avoid passwords being sent as plaintext.
nas add:
url: smb://
username: user1234
password: Password1234
Once a share has been added it can be mounted using 'nas select' to make it available for recording and
playback. Many shares can be added with 'nas add' but only one share can be mounted at a time using 'nas
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