Monitoring during operation
Monitoring during operation
Open/close nozzle
Adjusting the flow rate
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The following dangers must be considered during operation:
The pump can cavitate through the discharge of too much extinguish-
ing agent.
Loose ground can be softened by rain or fire fighting water and can ef-
fect the stability.
Watch the extinguishing agent jet.
Very high recoil forces occur; risk of injury.
Hold the nozzle with both hands.
If a danger arises take appropriate countermeasures.
Reduce flow rate to prevent cavitation.
Change location if stability is not sufficient.
The nozzle can be opened or closed via the bracket shift lever.
Open nozzle
Slowly and in a controlled manner, push the bracket shift lever of the
nozzle into the rear position to open the nozzle.
Bracket shift lever points towards the broad side of the pictogram.
Pressure outlet of the nozzle is opened.
Close nozzle
Slowly and in a controlled manner, push the bracket shift lever of the
nozzle into the forward position to close the nozzle.
Bracket shift lever points in direction of the pointed side of the pic-
Pressure outlet of the nozzle is closed.
The nozzle is equipped with a flow rate adjustment .
The flow rate is marked on the flow rate adjustment.
Flow rate at a working pressure of 6 bar (EN) or 7 bar (NFPA).
Adjusting flow rate:
Adjust the flow rate adjustment to the desired flow rate.
The nozzle is adjusted to the desired flow rate.
The flow rate can be adjusted during operation.