Order Placement Recommendations and Considerations
The Products and Specifications listed in this document are subject to change (including
specifications, manufacturing facility and discontinuing the Products) as occasioned by the
improvements of Products. Consequently, when you place orders for these Products, Panasonic
Industry Co., Ltd. asks you to contact one of our customer service representatives and check
that the details listed in the document are commensurate with the most up-to-date information.
[Safety precautions]
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. is consistently striving to improve quality and reliability.
However, the fact remains that electrical components and devices generally cause failures
at a given statistical probability. Furthermore, their durability varies with use environments
or use conditions. In this respect, check for actual electrical components and devices under
actual conditions before use. Continued usage in a state of degraded condition may cause the
deteriorated insulation. Thus, it may result in abnormal heat, smoke or fire. Carry out safety
design and periodic maintenance including redundancy design, design for fire spread prevention,
and design for malfunction prevention so that no accidents resulting in injury or death, fire
accidents, or social damage will be caused as a result of failure of the Products or ending
life of the Products.
The Products are designed and manufactured for the industrial indoor environment use. Make
sure standards, laws and regulations in case the Products are incorporated to machinery, system,
apparatus, and so forth. With regard to the mentioned above, confirm the conformity of the
Products by yourself.
Do not use the Products for the application which breakdown or malfunction of Products may
USe dama9e to. the_ body or pr _ o _ p erty :
i I . usa9e intended. to p_ r otect _ the body . and ensure securi !' Y of li_ f :o
ii)application which the performance degradation or quality problems, such as breakdown,
of the Products may directly result in damage to the body or property
It is not allowed the use of Products by incorporating into machinery and systems indicated
below because the conformity, performance, and quality of Products are not guaranteed under
S日ch _ usage.
i) transport machinery (cars, trains, boats and ships, etc.)
ii) control equipment for transportation
�ii) disaster-p�eventicm equipmer_it / security eq:1ipment
iv) control equipment for electric power generation
v) nuclear control system
vi) aircraft equipment, aerospace equipment, and submarine repeater
vii l. bu '!'n�ng ap!)li','-nces
viiiI military devlC 忙
ix) medical devices ( except for general controls)
x) machinery and systems which especially require the high level of reliability and safety
[Acceptance inspection]
In connection with the Products you have purchased from us or with the Products delivered
to your premises, please perform an acceptance inspection with all due speed and, in connection
with 1ch�_ handlin_ g of _ o ur Products both_ before and during t�e acc�pta_ n ce inspection, please
give full consideration to the control and preservation of our Products.
[War _ r anty perio?]
Unless otherwise stipulated by both parties, the warranty period of our Products is one
year after the purchase by you or after their delivery to the location specified by you.
The consumable items such as battery, relay, filter and other supplemental materials are excluded
from the warranty.
[Scope of warranty]
In the event th _ a t Pana�onic _ Industry Co., L_ t d. _ confirms _ any failures e;r defects of the Prod:1cts
by reasons solely attributable to Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. during the warranty period,
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. shall supply the replacements of the Products, parts or replace
and/ or repair th_ e _ -defective portion b_ y -free of ctiarge at th_ e . location where the Products- were
purchased or delivered to your premises as soon as possible.
However, the following failures and defects are not covered by warranty and we are not responsible
for such failures and defects.
When the failure or defect was caused by a specification, standard, handling method,
etc. which was specified by you.
When the failure or defect was caused after purchase or delivery to your premises by
an alteration in construction, performance, specification, etc. which did not involve
(3) When the failure or defect was caused by a phenomenon that could not be predicted by
the technology at purchasing or contracted time.
(4) When the use of our Products deviated from the scope of the conditions and environment
set forth in the instruction manual and specifications.
(5) When, after our Products were incorporated into your products or equipment for use, damage
result_ e d �hich. could have been avoided if your products _ or_ eq_ u ipment had been equipped
with the functions, construction, etc. the provision of which is accepted practice in
the industry.
(6) When the failure or defect was caused by a natural disaster or other force majeure.
(7) When the equipment is damaged due to corrosion caused by corrosive gases etc. in the
The above terms and conditions shall not cover any induced damages by the failure or defects
of the Products, and not cover your production items which are produced or fabricated by using
the Products. In any case, our responsibility for compensation is limited to the amount paid
for the Products.
[Scope of service]
The cost of delivered Products does not include the cost of dispatching an engineer, etc.
In case any such service is needed, contact our sales representative.
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.