3.2 Dynamic fitting
To increase the safety of the knee joint, the knee joint axis may be shifted by
additional 0 – 10 mm to the back of the construction plumb line. The reference
plumb line (b) should end in the foot; in the area of the junction from first third
to second third, measured from the heel (see picture page 5). Any different
instructions in the foot instruction manual must also be considered!
While connecting the socket to the knee joint (for trials, it is very helpful to
use the adjusting device for modular prostheses 10A40/A), it is important
to keep an outward rotation of the knee axis at approx. 5° and to bring
the foot into correct outward position. Fine adjustment is effected during
dynamic fitting.
If the stump flexion is not considered, the knee axis is located too
far in front of the weight bearing line. This leads to malfunction
and premature wear.
3.3 Prosthetic feet
The KINEGEN.smart is compatible with all Streifeneder ortho.production GmbH
prosthetic feet.