Fisher-Price POWER WHEELS Jeep Wrangler Manual Del Usuario página 35

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e • To avoid damaging motors and gears, do not overload the vehicle.
- Never allow more than two children in the vehicle at one time; one driver and one
- Do not exceed the maximum weight capacity of 130 lbs (59 kg).
- Do not tow anything behind this vehicle. The extra weight may overload the vehicle.
• Avoid operating the vehicle in wet or snowy conditions, and do not spray the vehicle
with a hose. Do not wash the vehicle with soap and water. Water or moisture in the
motors or electrical switches can cause them to corrode, and could cause switch failure.
• Avoid operating the vehicle on sand, loose dirt or gravel. Sand, loose dirt and gravel in
the electrical switches or motors can cause them to jam, and could cause switch failure.
Use this vehicle on grass, asphalt or other hard surfaces.
f • Pour éviter d'abîmer les moteurs et les engrenages, ne surchargez pas le véhicule.
- Ne laissez pas plus de deux enfants monter dans le véhicule à la fois; un
chauffeur et un passager.
- Ne dépassez pas la charge maximum de 130 lb (59 kg).
- Ne traînez rien derrière ce vehicule. La charge supplémentaire pourrait surcharger le
• Évitez d'utiliser le véhicule sur un terrain mouillé ou enneigé, et d'asperger le véhicule
avec un tuyau. Ne lavez pas le véhicule à l'eau et au savon. L'eau ou l'humidité sur les
moteurs ou les contacts électriques pourraient les ronger ou les abîmer.
• Évitez d'utiliser le véhicule sur du sable, de la terre meuble ou du gravier. Le sable la
terre meuble et le gravier sur les contacts électriques ou les moteurs pourraient les faire
coincer et les abîmer. Utilisez ce vehicule sur du gazon, de l'asphalte ou d'autres sur-
faces dures.
S • Para evitar dañar el motor y los engranajes, no coloque demasiado peso en el
- No permita que más de dos niños paseen en el vehículo al mismo tiempo; un
conductor y un pasajero.
- No exceda el límite máximo de 59 kg.
- No arrastre objetos con este vehículo. El peso extra puede sobrecargar el vehículo.
• No opere este vehículo en clima lluvioso o cuando esté nevando, y no lo rocíe con
agua. No lave el auto con agua y jabón. El agua y la humedad puede dañar el motor y
los interruptores eléctricos, lo cual puede corroerlos y provocar un fallo.
• No opere el vehículo sobre arena, tierra suelta o grava, puesto que si estos materiales
llegasen a entrar en contacto con los interruptores eléctricos o el motor, pueden trabar-
los y causar un fallo. Opere este vehículo sobre arena, asfalto u otras superficies duras.
P • Para poupar o motor e as mudanças, não sobrecarregar o veículo.
- Não permitir que andem mais de duas crianças ao mesmo tempo: um condutor e um
- Não atrelar nada ao veículo. O peso extra pode sobrecarregar o veículo.
- Não exceder a capacidade máxima do veículo: ± 59Kgs.
• Evitar a utilização do veículo em superfícies molhadas ou com neve, e não lavar o
veículo à mangueira. Água ou qualquer outro líquido no motor ou no circuito eléctrico
podem causar corrosão, e provocar falha de corrente.
• Evitar a utilização do veículo em superfícies pouco limpas, com areia ou gravilha. Areia,
pó e gravilha podem atolar o motor e provocar falhas de corrente. O veículo pode ser
usado no asfalto, na relva ou qualquer outra superfície dura.
e Teach Safety Rules
to Children
f Renseignez vos enfants les
règles de sécurité
S Enseñe a los niños las
reglas de seguridad
P Regras de Segurança
Para Crianças
e Incline should never be more than 10°
f Les pentes ne devraient pas avoir un
angle de plus de 10º.
S Nunca suba pendientes superiores a
los 10°.
P A inclinação nunca poderá ser superior
a 10°.
e While children can quickly develop the
skill necessary to drive this vehicle, it is
important to remember that their judg-
ment skills are still very immature.
Unsupervised driving by children can lead
to serious injury. Before children use this
vehicle, an adult should carefully evaluate
the driving area as well as the children's
skill level and ability to drive this vehicle
safely. Children are not always able to
recognize or anticipate hazards, even
when they have been taught about them.
There is no acceptable substitute for adult
Teach appropriate safety rules to your
child before you allow operation of this
vehicle. These rules should also be
reviewed with neighborhood children or
other playmates who want to drive or ride
in this vehicle.
1. Do not allow any child to drive the
vehicle in the street or near moving
(motorized) vehicles.
2. Do not allow any child to drive near
bodies of water (such as pools or
creeks), obstructions (such as furniture,
low tree limbs or play equipment), or
drop-offs (such as stairs or decks).
3. Do not allow any child to drive the
vehicle in the dark. A child could
encounter unexpected obstacles and
have an accident. Operate the vehicle
only in the daytime or in a well-lit area.
4. Teach your child to avoid driving on
steep inclines or slopes. Restrict your
child's driving to areas that are fairly
level with gentle inclines or slopes of no
more than 10°.
• While driving down a steep slope, the
vehicle may gain unsafe speed, even if
the foot pedal is released to stop.
• While driving across a steep slope, the
vehicle may tilt and tip over. The
wheels could lose traction, causing the
vehicle to slip.


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