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Dati Tecnici; Technical Specifications; Données Techniques - Aprimatic APRIPASS 220-500 Instrucciones Para La Instalación, El Uso Y El Mantenimiento


Il libretto di INSTALLAZIONE USO E MANUTENZIONE è destinato agli installatori, agli utilizzatori ed agli operatori della manutenzione.
Leggere attentamente il libretto prima di installare il prodotto, utilizzarlo e prima di eseguire manutenzione ordinaria o straordinaria.
Le operazioni che, se non eff ettuate correttamente, possono presentare rischi, sono indicate con i simboli:
Il costruttore non è responsabile per danni arrecati a persone, animali o cose dovuti ad applicazioni che superano i limiti indicati nella scheda tecnica allegata o dall'uso
diverso da quello per cui il prodotto è stato progettato.
Le indicazioni precedute da questo simbolo contengono informazioni di particolare importanza, il loro mancato rispetto può comportare la perdita
della garanzia contrattuale.
Il dissuasore è la soluzione ideale per la gestione del traffi co veicolare nel rispetto dei moderni canoni di arredo urbano. Può essere utilizzato per applicazioni di controlli
accessi o per tutelare aree private con la massima sicurezza.


Motore..............................................................................................230Vac ± 10%; 50÷60Hz; 300W; 10uF
Frequenza di lavoro...........................................................................................................................1500 / 24h
Grado di protezione.......................................................................................................................................IP67
Centralina......................................................................................................Traffic Pass / Traffic Pass-Pro
The INSTALLATION, USE AND MAINTENANCE handbook is for installers, users and maintenance engineers.
Please read it carefully before installing the appliance, before using it and before routine or extraordinary maintenance work.
Operations that, if not carried out correctly, can be risky, are indicated with the following symbols:
The manufacturer is not liable for injury to people or animals or damage to things in the case of applications that exceed the limits specifi ed on the enclosed technical
data sheet or by a use diff erent from what the appliance has been designed.
The notices preceded by this symbol provide important information, the non-compliance with such instructions voids the
manufacturer's guarantee.
The deterrent bollard is the ideal solution for managing vehicle traffi c in compliance with modern urban furnishing requirements. It can be used to contol entrances or
to safeguard private areas in total safety.


Motor................................................................................................230Vac ± 10%; 50÷60Hz; 300W; 10uF
Working frequency............................................................................................................................1500 / 24h
Protection level...............................................................................................................................................IP67
Control unit...................................................................................................Traffic Pass / Traffic Pass-Pro
Cette notice est destinée aux installateurs, aux utilisateurs et aux techniciens chargés de l'entretien.
Lisez attentivement cette notice, avant d'installer l'automatisme, de l'utiliser et avant de procéder à son entretien ordinaire ou extraordinaire.
Les opérations présentant des risques si elles ne sont pas eff ectuées correctement sont signalées avec les symboles:
Le fabricant décline toute responsabilité en cas de dégâts à des personnes, animaux ou biens provoqués par des applications dépassant les limites prévues dans la fi che
technique jointe ou par un usage diff érent de celui pour lequel l'automatisme a été conçu.
Les indications précédées de ce symbole contiennent des informations importantes, le non-respect de ces indications peut invalider la garantie du
La borne escamotable est la solution idéale pour contrôler le trafi c routier selon les concepts modernes de mobilier urbain. Elle contrôle l'accès ou protège les espaces
privés en toute sécurité.
Moteur..............................................................................................230Vac ± 10%; 50÷60Hz; 300W; 10uF
Duree de l'operation.........................................................................................................................1500 / 24h
Indice de protection.......................................................................................................................................IP67
Centrale..........................................................................................................Traffic Pass / Traffic Pass-Pro
Temp. di esercizio......................................................................................................................-40 *** ÷ +60 °C
Tempo di lavoro.........................................................................................................6 s. (AP/5); 9 s. (AP/7)
Peso netto..............................................................................................78 kg (AP/500 N); 92 kg (AP/700 N)
Peso lordo........................................................................................82 kg (AP/500 N); 96 kg (AP/700 N)
*** Con riscaldatore integrato attivo Traffic Pass-Pro)
Working temp.............................................................................................................................-40 *** ÷ +60 °C
Working time...............................................................................................................6 s. (AP/5); 9 s. (AP/7)
Net weight.............................................................................................78 kg (AP/500 N); 92 kg (AP/700 N)
Gross weight.........................................................................................82 kg (AP/500 N); 96 kg (AP/700 N)
*** With integrated heater active Traffic Pass-Pro)
Température d'exercice .......................................................................................................-40 *** ÷ +60 °C
Temps de travail...................................................................................................... 6 s. (AP/5); 9 s. AP/7)
Poids net.................................................................................................78 kg (AP/500 N); 92 kg (AP/700 N)
Poids brut...............................................................................................82 kg (AP/500 N); 96 kg (AP/700 N)
*** Avec chauff age intégré actif (Traffic Pass-Pro)
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Este manual también es adecuado para:

Apripass 220-700