User Manual; Safety Instructions - Velleman CAMCOLMHA9 Manual Del Usuario

Mini cámara sony de alta resolución de 1/3
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  • ES

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Introductio n
To all residents of the E uropea n Union
Important environme ntal information about this p roduct
This symbol on the de vice or the package indicates that
disposal of the de vice afte r its life cycle could harm the
e nvironm ent. Do not dispose of the unit (or batte rie s) as
unsorted m unicipal waste ; it should be take n to a
spe cialize d com pany for re cycling. This de vice should be
re turned to your distributor or to a local re cycling se rvice . R espe ct
the local e nvironme ntal rule s.
If in d oubt, contact yo ur loca l wa ste d ispo sal author ities.
Thank you for choosing Velleman! Please read the manual thoroughly
before bringing this de vice into se rvice . If the de vice was damaged in
transit, don't install or use it and contact your deale r.

Safety Instructions

This appliance is not inte nded for use by pe rsons
(including childre n) with re duce d physical, sensory or
me ntal capabilities, or lack of ex pe rie nce and k nowle dge ,
unle ss the y have bee n give n supe rvision or instruction
conce rning use of the appliance by a pe rson responsible
for the ir safe ty.
C hildren shall be supe rvised to e nsure that the y do not
play with the appliance .
Risk of electros hock whe n ope ning the cove r. Touching
live wire s can cause life -threatening e le ctroshock s. Do not
disassem ble or ope n the housing yourse lf. Have the
de vice repaired by qualifie d pe rsonne l.
Do not crimp the powe r cord and prote ct it against
damage .
Warning! If the powe r cord is damaged, it m ust be
re placed by the manufacture r, its se rvice agent, or
sim ilarly qualifie d pe rsons in orde r to avoid any hazard.
V. 01 – 14/04/2014


©Ve lleman nv


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