SJeepJetsyou preset the unit to shut off in 8 hours. SJeepworks in the AiC
function only. After preoseffing the temperature to a set degree,
the temperature raises by 2 degree in the I st hour and another 2 degree
in the 2nd hour and then remains constant in the next 6 hours As your
body does not give out as much heat in the night and as nights generally
become cooler this feature Jetsyou sbep comfortably throughout the night
without having fo wake up to change the temperature settings.
(See Fig. # 8}
Fig. # 8
¢ontroU Panem
Energy Saver: By pressing this key you will activate the unit fo go in the
energy saver mode The fan will be off 3 minutes after the compressor
cycle ofF. By deactivating if the Jan keeps running at the set speed even if
the compressor shuts ofF. (See Fig. # 9) (This function is avaiJabb in the
cooJing function onJy)