Congratulations on your purchase of the FCX APC Aermec fancoil.
Made with materials of superior quality in strict compliance with safety regulations, "FCX APC" is easy to use and
will have a long life.
The FCX APC fancoil combines advanced technologi-
cal and operational characteristics that make it the ideal
unit for air conditioning any room.
The supply of climate controlled air is immediate and
distributed throughout the room; FCX APC generates
heat if included in heating system with boiler or heat
pump but may also be used in the summer as an air con-
ditioner if the heating system has a water chiller.
The response to the commands is immediate if the
environmental temperature and water in the tank con-
ditions so allows; with some special system settings, the
delay at which the fan comes on after the last command
might be as much as 2'40".
The quality of the air treated is guaranteed by the
"PLASMACLUSTER" purifier that breaks down the water
and oxygen molecules , normally present in the air in
the room ("humidity" and "oxygen"), in positive and
negative ions. These ions liberated into the air will stick
to the molecules of the polluting substances and by
being recombined (once activated) decomposes them
into non-toxic sub-products (water, oxygen and carbon
dioxide etc..).
The "PLASMACLUSTER" air purifier is activated at the
same time as the ventilation when both hot and cold.
The possibility of removing the basin and the inspectio-
nable fan volutes (only by suitably trained and qualified
Thermostat knob (B)
S e l e c t i o n
o f
r e d
r o o m
t e m p e r a t u r e .
- It displays the HEATING/COOLING
functioning mode required by the
electronic thermostat and if the hea-
ting plant able to meet the request.
t h e
r e q u i -
personnel) it allows thorough cleaning to be carried out
even in the interior parts, an essential condition when
installed in very crowded areas or places requiring high
standards of hygiene.
The quietness of the new centrifugal fan assembly
is such that at operating speed you cannot tell when
the 'FCX APC cuts in, the use of the electronic control
panels avoids annoying noise typical of mechanical ther-
The command panel with electronic thermostat is on
the head.
Electronic regulation of the temperature, automatic fan
speed change, automatic season change and automatic
turning on and off.
The FCX APC fancoil has been design to meet all
system requirements partly through its extensive range of
Ease of installation that can be either horizontal or
vertical, with reversible plumbing attachments at the
installation phase.
Full respect for accident prevention regulations.
Routine maintenance is limited to periodic cleaning of
the air filter.
- When on it indicates that
the ventilation have been
activated by the electronic thermostat.
- When flashing it indicates standby or
autotest status.
Selector knob(A)
- OFF = Off.
- AUTO =Automatic operation.
- Manual speed selection:
V1 = Minimun fan speed
V2 = Mediun fan speed
V3 = Maximun fan speed