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Controller Functions - Carrera RC RC Power 370160139 Instrucciones De Montaje


Never operate the product on grass surfaces. There is the risk of grass hindering the movement of the
axles, which can lead to the motor overheating. Do not use the Carrera RC vehicle for transporting
goods, persons or animals.
Never use the Carrera RC vehicle outdoors during rain or snowfall. The car must not be run through
water, puddles and snow, and must always be kept stored in a dry place. Wet surfaces without puddles
will not affect the car's performance as the electronic equipment is protected against spray.
Never operate the vehicle near rivers, ponds or lakes, to avoid the risk of the Carrera RC car falling into
the water. Avoid running on courses which are laid exclusively with sand.
Do not expose the Carrera RC vehicle to direct sunlight. To avoid the electronics in the car overheating,
when temperatures are above 35 ° C, regular short pauses in operation are essential.
Never subject the Carrera car to repeated changes of load – that means continuously reversing it.
Always place the car on the floor by hand. Never throw the car on the floor from a standing position.
Avoid jumping from jumps or ramps higher than 5 cm (0.16 ft.).
Never use strong solvents for cleaning the car.
To avoid malfunctions to the control system resulting in uncontrolled operation of the Carrera RC vehicle,
check that the controller batteries and the rechargeable batteries in the vehicle have sufficient charge.
Supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
The Carrera RC vehicle must be inspected before and after operation, each time it is used, to ensure
that it has not become disassembled. Any screws or nuts that may have become loosened during
operation must be tightened.
Instruction Manual
Contents of package
1 x Carrera RC Vehicle
1 x Controller
1 x USB charger cable
1 x LiFePO
rechargeable battery
1 x Set of batteries (non-rechargeable)
Charging the rechargeable battery
Take care only to charge the LiFePO
cable) also supplied. If you attempt to recharge the battery with any other LiFePO
any other type of charger, this may result in serious damage. You can recharge the rechargeable battery with
the respective USB charger cable from a computer USB port (USB 3.0) or a USB power supply unit with at
least 1A output voltage:
• Connect the USB charger cable with the USB port of a computer
lights green and indicates that the charger is correctly connected to the computer. When you connect an
empty rechargeable battery, the LED on the USB charger cable goes off and indicates that the battery is
being charged.
The USB charger cable is so designed that reversed polarity is not possible.
• It lasts about 50 minutes to recharge a discharged (NOT a deep-discharged) battery. When the battery is
fully charged, the LED display on the USB charger cable lights green again
Always recharge the battery after use to prevent its becoming deep discharged. After use, the battery
must be allowed to cool down for at least 20 minutes before it can be fully recharged. Failure to ob-
serve thispause may damage the battery. Recharge the battery occasionally (suggested every 2–3
months). Failure to treat the battery as described above can lead to its becoming defective.
Installing the rechargeable battery
Using a screwdriver, remove the cover of the battery compartment in the Carrera RC car. Connect the
end of the cable from the Carrera RC vehicle with the charged battery. Put the battery in place. Replace
the compartment cover using a screwdriver.
Inserting the batteries
Open the battery compartment with a screwdriver and insert the batteries in the remote control. Please
keep in mind the correct polarity. Different types of batteries or new and used batteries are not to be
mixed. After having closed the compartment you can check all functions of the remote control with the help of
the power-switch on the front. With the power-switch turned ON and proper functioning, the top center LED
on the remote control will light up red.
Now you can drive the car
Bonding vehicle and controller
The Carrera RC car and the remote control are bound as a factory setting.
Switch the car ON at the ON/OFF switch.
Switch on the controller at the ON/OFF switch.
Wait a couple of seconds until the controller and the vehicle have connected. The binding procedure is
complete when the vehicle moves slightly.
Let's practise!
Warning! This vehicle reaches speeds up to ~20 km/h (~12.4 mph). Practice on an empty surface at
least 4 x 5 metres (13.12' x 16.4'). When first starting, be very careful when operating the gas pedal.
Now it's time to practise! Set up a Carrera RC vehicle racing track in a large empty area, using corner-
posts, empty cans, or similar objects. The basic technique to adopt when operating a Carrera RC is to
drive fast on the straight sections and to slow down in the curves.
• When changing from the first battery to the second battery, you must stop running for at least ten
minutes. At the next change, a pause of at least 20 minutes is absolutely essential.
• Avoid constant motor operation.
• If the car switches itself off several times one after another, the battery is dead. Please recharge the battery.
• Within approx. 30 minutes of inactivity, the controller and vehicle switch off automatically. To re-
start, switch the ON/OFF switch on the controller & the car to OFF and then back to ON.
• To switch off after use, follow the steps in the reverse order.
• After use, remove or disconnect the battery. Always recharge the battery after use to prevent its
becoming deep discharged. After use, the battery must be allowed to cool down for at least 20
minutes before it can be fully recharged.
• Always keep the rechargeable battery stored outside the vehicle.
• Clean the Carrera RC car after use.
battery supplied with the LiFePO
charging unit (USB charger
. The LED on the USB charger cable

Controller functions

Differential Steering
You can use the joysticks to carry out precise steering and driving manoeuvres.
Joystick left and right: Forwards and backwards with steady movement of left and right joysticks at the
same time. Steer the car to the left by pushing the right-hand joystick forwards and releasing it again. Steer
the car to the right by pushing the left-hand joystick forwards and releasing it again.
360° turn
By moving both joysticks slowly and steadily up and down in opposite directions the vehicle can be made
to rotate 360 ° on the spot.
Lateral drifting
Press button
, to make the vehicle drift to the right. Press button
Drift action
Use the 4 arrow buttons
direction by continuously pressing the corresponding arrow button.
On-road and off-road mode
Press button
Thanks to 2.4 GHz technology, up to 16 cars can be run together on one race-track. This is possible
even without harmonising frequencies between the racing drivers.
Problem: Car does not move.
Either the switch on the controller or the car is set to OFF.
Solution: Switch on.
There is no rechargeable battery in the car or the battery is too weak.
Solution: Insert charged battery.
The battery or rechargeable battery in the transmitter or model is too weak.
Solution: Insert new battery or recharged battery.
The remote control is possibly not correctly frequency bound with the receiver on the model.
Solution: Carry out a frequency bind between the model and the remote control as described in "Now you
can drive the car".
Within approx. 30 minutes of inactivity, the controller and vehicle switch off automatically.
Solution: To restart, switch the ON/OFF switch on both controller & vehicle to OFF and then back to ON.
battery charger or
The vehicle is very warm.
Solution: Switch both car and controller off and allow the car to cool down for about 30 minutes.
The overheat protection has caused the car's motor to cut out due to excess temperature.
Solution: Switch off the receiver. Leave the RC car to cool down for approx. 30 minutes.
Problem: Car cannot be controlled.
Vehicle starts moving unintentionally.
Solution: First turn on the vehicle, only then the transmitter.
Errors and changes excepted · Colours / final design – changes excepted
Technical changes and design-related changes excepted · Pictograms = symbolic photos
Chère cliente ! Cher client !
Félicitations pour l'achat de votre véhicule radiocommandé Carrera RC fabriqué selon des critères récents
des plus exigeants. Nous avons toujours pour ambition d'améliorer et de perfectionner nos produits et nous
réservons la possibilité de réaliser des modifications techniques relatives à la présentation et design de nos
produits. Les divergences de faible importance du produit, que vous avez acheté, par rapport aux données et
illustrations de ces instructions de montage et d'utilisation ne sauraient donner lieu à des réclamations de ce
fait. Ces instructions de montage et d'utilisation forment partie intégrale du produit. Le fabricant décline toute
responsabilité en cas d'inobservation des instructions de montage et d'utilisation et des consignes de sécuri-
té y figurant. Veuillez conserver ces instructions de montage et d'utilisation, afin que vous puissiez les consul-
ter ultérieurement et et les remettre à tout utilisateur de ce véhicule si besoin est.
Vous trouverez la version la plus actuelle de ce mode d'emploi et les informations sur les pièces de
rechange disponibles sur
Conditions de garantie
Les produits Carrera sont des jouets d'une technique haut de gamme, qu'il est toujours recommandé de
traiter avec soin. Respectez impérativement les informations contenues dans les instructions d'utilisation.
Tous les éléments sont soumis à des contrôles approfondis (sous réserve de modifications techniques et des
véhicules destinées au perfectionnement du produit).
La responsabilité du fabricant est cependant engagée aux termes des conditions de garantie ci-après
à supposer que le produit présente des défauts : La garantie s'applique aux défauts matériels ou de fabri-
cation effectivement existants au moment de l'achat du produit Carrera. La garantie du fabricant s'élève à 24
mois à partir de la date d'achat. Le recours à la garantie du fabricant est exclue pour les pièces d'usure (comme
les batteries, antennes, pneus, boîtes de vitesse Carrera RC, etc.), les dommages causés par un traitement /
une utilisation non conforme à l'usage prévu (comme par exemple des sauts au-dessus des données de hauteur
recommandées, la chute du produit, etc.) ou les interventions de tiers. La réparation demeure réservée au do-
maine de compétence de la société Stadlbauer Marketing + Vertrieb GmbH ou d'une entreprise dûment autori-
sée par cette dernière. Dans le cadre de cette garantie, la société Stadlbauer Marketing + Vertrieb GmbH décide
au choix du remplacement du produit Carrera complet ou des éléments défectueux ou du remplacement par un
produit équivalent. La garantie ne s'applique pas aux frais de transport, d'emballage et de voyage, de même
qu'aux dommages découlant de la responsabilité de l'acheteur. Ceux-ci sont à la charge de l'acheteur. Le re-
cours à la garantie est exclusivement réservé au premier acheteur du produit Carrera.
Le recours à la garantie du fabricant est uniquement possible si
• le produit Carrera défectueux est envoyé avec la carte de garantie dûment remplie et le reçu / la facture / le
ticket de caisse respectif.
• l'acheteur n'a effectué aucune modification sur la carte de garantie.
• le jouet a été traité dans le respect des instructions de montage et d'utilisation et utilisé de manière
conforme à l'usage prévu.
• les dommages / dysfonctionnements n'ont pas été causés par une force majeure ou une usure liée à l'utili-
sation du produit.
Les cartes de garantie ne sont pas remplaçables.
to operate the drift action. Drift the vehicle in the respective
, to lift or lower the vehicle's chassis.
5 6 7
dans la zone de service.
, to make the vehicle drift to the left.

