10. Technical specifications
Test voltages
Maximum resistance reading
Short circuit current
Test voltages accuracy
Equipment basic accuracy
Advanced features
Built-in printer (optional)
Memory up to 4000 readings
Built-in chronometer
Real time clock
Environmental protection
Over voltage protection
Safety class
Electromagnetic irradiation
Electrostatic immunity
: 100, 250, 500, 1000 V with fast selection.
100 V to 1 kV in 50 V steps.
DC, negative in relation to grounding.
: 1 TΩ @ 1 kV.
: 1.5 ± 0.5 mA.
: ± 3% of nominal value over 10 GΩ resistance.
: ± 5% of reading ± 3 digits.
(1 MΩ to 500 GΩ at any test voltage).
: Automated Polarization Index computing.
Automated Dielectric Absorption Index
Programmable timer.
"Pass-fail test" with programmable limits.
: Prints elapsed time, actual voltage applied to
the charge and measured resistance.
: USB.
: It allows for the storage of 4000 tests readings
in its internal NVRAM memory.
: Shows elapsed time since measurement starts,
in mm:ss format.
: Indicates date, hour and minutes.
: IP54 (with closed lid).
: CAT III – 600 V
: In accordance with IEC 61010-1.
: In accordance with IEC 61326-1.
: In accordance with IEC 61000-4-3.
: In accordance with IEC 61000-4-2.