Using Scopes
Most colorists make creative color choices by focusing on the emotion and the look they want
their program to have and then simply work using the monitor to achieve that look. You can look
at everyday objects and how different types of light interact with them to generate ideas on
what you can do with your images and a little practice.
The parade scope helps you optimize
highlights, mid tones and shadows
Another way to color grade is to use the built in scopes to help you balance shots. You can
open a single video scope by clicking the 'scope' button, which is the second from the right on
the palette toolbar. You can choose to display a waveform, parade, vectorscope and histogram.
Using these scopes you can monitor your tonal balance, check the levels of your video to avoid
crushing your blacks and clipping the highlights, plus monitor any color cast in your clips.
The 'color wheels' palette contains the 'lift', 'gamma' and 'gain' controls which will generally
constitute your first adjustment. If you've previously had experience with color correction,
these should resemble controls you've seen in other applications for doing color and
contrast adjustments.
The 'lift, 'gamma', 'gain' and 'offset' color wheels give you total control over the
color and tonal balance of your clips. To make a uniform adjustment to all colors for
each tonal region, drag the dial underneath the color wheels back and forth
For more accurate control of each color using a mouse, you can change the color wheels to
'primaries bars' which let you adjust each color and luminance channel for the lift, gamma and
gain controls separately. Simply select 'primaries bars' from the dropdown menu near the top
right of the color wheels.
Using DaVinci Resolve