7 Basic PIN Code
You can change the PIN code to prevent unauthorized ac-
cess to the basic setting as described in table in chapter
8. 4.To do this use the up and down arrow keys to change
the fi rst digit, press select to confi rm. Continue with the
second, third and fourth digit. When completed press select
to confi rm the new four digit PIN code.
8 Short Distance Limit
The original settings for the correct short distance limit is
55 cm. You can change the value for the short distance
limit from 35 to 95 cm. Settings higher than 80 cm are not
recommended. Press select to confi rm.
9 Long Distance Limit
The original settings for the correct long distance limit is
65 cm. You can change the value for the long distance limit
from 40 to 130 cm. Settings higher than 100 cm are not
recommended. Press select to confi rm.
15 Temperature Ctrl
Not applicable for this model.
16 Disp. Contrast
You can change the contrast of the display on a scale from
light to dark (25 - 55). Scroll between the values with the up
and down arrow keys and press select to confi rm.
18 Distance
You can change the distance measuring between centime-
ters and text. If text is chosen the distance is indicated on
the display as "too close", "too far" or "correct". If measur-
ing fails "check distance manually" appears.
713686 rev 7
IRT 3-1 PcD, IRT 3-2 PcD and IRT 3-20 PcD
23 Filter Time
The default value is 400 working hours. After this time, the
fi lter replacement warning is displayed for fi lter change.
If the dryer is placed in a dusty environment, it is recom-
mended to change fi lters more frequently.
Note! Keep in mind that if the fi lter is too dirty, the lamp
service life will be reduced as a result of impaired cooling.
To reset, see "8.4.17 Reset fi lter timer".
25 Contin. Mode
The continuous mode is for sales demo purposes.
For safety reasons and for minimizing unnecessary wearing
down of the dryer, this mode must be used only in excep-
tional cases.
36 Advanced Pin code
To change the code to your personal choice use the up and
down arrow keys to change the fi rst digit, press select to
confi rm. Continue with the second, third and fourth digit.
When completed press select to confi rm the new four digit
PIN code.
Warning! Make sure that you remember the new code.
37 Dist Unit
This provides you with the opportunity to change unit type
between centimeters and inches.